Being old, death gets my attention, so I read the obituaries. This is a collection of recent obits, mostly of people whose work touched my life, because I want to say thanks (or maybe give 'em a final fuck you).

There’ll be a roundup like this every weekend, until I’m on the list myself.    

Gaston Glock
built a better gun

Bill Granger
avacado toast

🖕 Herb Kohl
rich guy, senator

Laura Lynch
bassist, The Chicks

Ralph Poynter
prisoners’ rights advocate

🖕 Stephen Redd
cop, killer

Yacouba Sawadogo
farmer, forester

Tommy Smothers
comedian, folk singer

David Soukup
judge, children’s advocate

Lee Sun-kyun
actor, Parasite

🖕 Donald Wildmon
unwiped asshole

Previously dead

  • Nusm
    9 months ago

    Just curious - I understand the other two, but why the middle finger for Herb Kohl? I read the linked article, and he sounded like an okay guy. I looked him up and didn’t immediately see anything controversial. What am I missing?