Well in that case I guess there’s nothing to do but keep your head down and let it happen.
They don’t care about public opinion or if people complain about them. Ask the French what they do when their representatives stop representing.
And Americans will complain about it but not actually do anything else.
That statement is an absolute.
Even then, a person can survive just fine with $900 million dollars, and $100 million to the right charity can do a world changing amount of good.
There are no ethical billionaires.
Was that all Gabe? Or was that people at Valve who had the ideas and executed the ideas and Gabe is given credit for?
Trine is the modern day Lost Vikings. You just switch characters on the fly.
Next will be funding cut from schools
requiring any vaccines.
Any excuse to defund schools. They don’t want an educated populous.
Gabe Newell has a net worth of $9.5 billion and there is no such thing as an ethical billionaire. Steam is great and as long as the company behaves well there’s no reason not to use it, but billionaires are not your friends.
I’m not going to use something that’s shitty now in hopes it will be better later in order to avoid using something that’s better now out of fear it might become shitty later.
If Steam becomes shitty I have no issue dropping it and pirating my already paid for collection.
Elon Musk could lose 99.99% of his money and still have more money than 99% of Americans.
He’s done it, he’s won capitalism. He can stop and never worry about money, his children would never need to worry about money, and his grandchildren would never need to worry about money. And yet he keeps obsessively hoarding more money that at this point he has literally no use for.
It’s a disease.
Outrage without action is irrelevant.
Anyone else wondering how an 18 year old is able to pull this off 375 times? I think the police just appreciate the excuse to play with their toys.
I want the judge to put in writing actual consequences that will be followed through on when Trump refuses to comply.
How many years has resistance and consequences been “coming” for Trump and his lackeys? Talk to me when consequences actually fucking happen.
This headline is just to placate the masses: “Don’t worry, resistance is coming. Any day now. You don’t have to do anything, just keep your head down and keep producing like a good little consumer.”
You need more disruptive protests.
Americans have been trained to clutch their pearls but that disrupting commerce with protests is wrong and that’s exactly what we’re seeing: complaints but no disruptive action so they are easily ignored.
Oh no guys, they’ve been “Slammed”, surely they will stop being corrupt now!
Consequences or nothing changes.
Okay, what specific chemicals are you afraid of?