Old, large, cranky. Gotta go to the bathroom.
Also, that picture isn’t me.
I loved him in Heaven’s Gate, but he missed my death deadline. Next time.
It’s so startling to hear this, yawn.
Always good to see a crook toppling, and Adams has smelled crooked since he was a cop. Probably before he was a cop.
As a lifelong reader and ex-subscriber to the Times, my opinion is that its ordinary day-to-day reporting has problems, but it’s generally within arm’s reach of accurate. The Times’ coverage of politics, however, is so laughably hollow and bend-over-backwards subservient to America’s rightwing lunatics, it’s best ignored.
You reading more into it than it says is misunderstanding, but not misleading.
All true, except your claim that the title is misleading.
Quantum physics makes my mind do loop-de-loops.
Mr. Burnett did not respond to invitations to be interviewed.
I’m still reading the article, but that’s the key. Burnett knew Trump was fake, a lightweight and not at all how he was portrayed — which is no big deal in creating a TV show. But he kept quiet as Trump ran for President, and has maintained silence about it to this day, which to me makes Burnett and NBC accomplices to the last eight years of bludgeoning America.
Where I live, Washington, the minimum wage is $16.28 p/hour. Across the border in Idaho, the federal minimum applies — $7.25.
Businesses on the higher-wage side of the border are doing fine, and Spokaners do not drive across the border into Coeur d’Alene for cheaper groceries or a half-price Big Mac.
It’s a great story, and I always get the impression Robin Williams was a mensch, but also: I can’t imagine a time when anyone anywhere wouldn’t have known Nathan Lane was gay.
Poo-pooed states’ rights?
Definitely an all-time favorite. I’ll see anything with her in it.
Cheney was always one of the most reprehensibly right-wing Congresscritters, but lots of lefties love her because she voted to impeach Donnie Trump, and she gives great lip service to the Constitution. I have enthusiastically never been in the love-Liz crowd. She’s opposed to gay rights, women’s rights, minority rights, health care rights, human rights, etc, and she doesn’t give a damn about the Constitution — she just doesn’t like Donnie.
Says here it’s one of his greatest performances. I saw it and it ain’t bad.
Devolved? No, man, I’ve always been this way.
Did some research, actually, and concluded long ago that most 9/11 skeptics and truthers are empty-headed fools — and all the ones who say “do your own research.”
It’s treason, and Republicans want a second try at it.
Prosecutors said Haspil had been hired as an assistant for Saleh, whose ventures included a ride-hailing motorcycle startup in Nigeria, but quickly began to siphon money from Saleh’s businesses.
That’s a painfully clumsy sentence. Has AP no editors?
This really plugs my drain, man. When I worked in payroll, I would’ve known it was dicey accepting gifts from employees or managers. And I was nobody, just an ordinary worker-schmoe.
Judges should be held to a higher standard, not no frickin’ standard at all.
What goes around comes around.