Homo Homini Lupus Est

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • They could simply

    A) dislike X

    B) hate/despise X

    C) came to the logical conclusion, that X is bad/wrong/shouldn’t be/whatever

    D) genereally mistrusting against X due to a careful nature

    E) have had traumatic experience with X (e.g. Being raped/attacked by a member of a specific ethnicity) and hence totally overreacting to an otherwise harmless stimulus, even forgetting the rules of civil behaviour

    Those all don’t mean there’s the medical condition of a phobia for X.

    A real xenophobic has an irrational fear of anything unknown/alien. Doesn’t mean the person just hates e.g. Mexicans for no real reason. It might even like them once they get to know the better, which often just won’t happen as phobics tend to avoid the cause their phobia instead of treating it.

    I just dislike the lax use of medical terms until they’re bereft of any real meaning.

    So, a person who yanks “speak English!” to someone, could have many reasons to do. None are neither polite nor politically correct. While the asshole is probably just the uneducated asswipe, the phobic could be helped and probably even feels bad afterwards for being so compulsive and insulting.

  • I never understood people instantly behaving differently the second they smell money in a person. It gets uglier the more they smell. Noone with money will ever deal with them. Never ever.

    It’s epitome is this cult-like following or even worshipping of silly ass-clowns like musk.

    I tried to look as poor as possible when i last dated. Golddiggers quickly leave then. I don’t get the followers and i even less get the rich fucks boasting around so they can never trust anyone ever anymore. Great tactics 😁

  • If that’s what you enjoy doing, then sure, it’s fine :) Coding is fun, i do it as a hobby too. Probably not on your level though. But you’re most likely not the absolute average working-joe.

    And yes, retire as soon as you comfortably can. Did in my early 20s, would never go back. Tried once or twice for some months working, just because it sounded like a nice gig. Got bored quickly, left before I even learned some names. That was 3 decades ago or so :) Even if you love the job, traveling is probably better. And doing what you love for yourself and not for the benefit of others is even better too.

  • Wonderfully put, kind internet-stranger-sir. I have done the same observations and conclusions. Now we both can add a +1 on the drawer “this specific observation might be objective reality”. And due to the +1 the unquantifiable became a tiny bit more quantifiable. Even though there is no clear numerical target. Which also makes it totally useless to add a +1 😊

  • I know. I was an animal rights activist once (in a time where “vegan” was either an insult or noone knew what it even was). Based on way too much knowledge about what we do with other beings.

    And i didn’t say “it’s ethical”, but a local farm where the cows got names and live a great life (up until they stop doing so) surely beats industrialized farming ethically. I doubt you wanna argue there, except you only can live in a binary world (harm/don’t harm) . But that would be impossible as a vegan. Unless you’re one (i just assumed) because it’s fashionable or trendy or just edgy.

    Btw something being “humane” doesn’t really mean anything ethical. Being sadistic shit-sticks who rape the whole planet raw until there’s nothing left is actuallly very “humane”. No other species is that horribly aweful.

  • You know what’s funny?

    People say that like forever. And those “vegan cultists” we told that 3 decades ago (and we were waiting for them to die of malnutrition) are still healthy and happy while the average supermarket-joe got fat and unhappy or is long dead by now.

    I’m no vegan btw. but why would i argue with science? Just because we evolved to be able to eat nearly everything doesn’t mean we should. We could probably survive a good while on just eating hoofs or tree bark. Doesn’t mean we should include it in our diet.