• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I mostly see homeless people and people in rough shape smoking. Probably in their lives it doesn’t matter if they smell like cigarettes. I worked once in a place where one guy of all the employees smoked, and he was basically a social pariah. And people like borderline harassed him for smelling like cigarettes.

    He used to smoke out front, then he was asked to smoke on the side of the building because people coming in the building complained, but then people complained about him being on the side of the building and walking near his cloud to their car, so eventually he literally had to smoke either in his car or walk all the way around back and smoke against a brick wall with no windows away from the parking lot. 🤣

    It’s crazy how far away you can smell someone smoking. I think it smells awful. Strangely, my grandpa used to regularly smoke a pipe in his office/study at their house in the evening, but he always dumped his pipe outside and kept everything very clean, and it always smelled wonderful in there to me, and even to this day I love the smell of pipe tobacco, so I guess it’s just kind of what you’re familiar with. Or maybe pipe tobacco just doesn’t smell as bad or something idk.

  • People barely smoke anymore. What is it, like 5% of people with a college degree smoke and 5% of people under the age of 30 smoke?

    Smokers these days are mostly composed of uneducated, poor, older people. Not to say that is good, but uneducated poor people do a lot of stuff that is killing them. Given the massive decline overall in this generation, I think smoking is going to be much lower on the list of lifestyle risks for uneducated poor people. Obesity is arguably a bigger concern I would say.

    I don’t remember the last time I saw someone in their 20s legit smoking a cigarette that wasn’t at a party or something.

  • Hmm. Thanks for your response. It does it across across about 600 databases, and they have power of attorney to initiate the removals and follow up, etc.

    I guess I just didn’t like that it was so easy to just Google my name and then have my address. It did help with that, but maybe you’re right that it’s kind of pointless in the bigger sense. I guess I’m just trying to keep someone IRL that gets pissed at me for whatever reason from immediately knowing where I live. I feel like most people aren’t going to work very hard at it.

  • You’re supposed to dial by putting a finger in each number hole and then dragging to the stop. So they dialed zero correctly, but only zero.

    How do you do that with only five fingers?? I guess that makes sense that the was such little time to dial it. Like you put each finger in the holes and then spin the whole thing? How does it figure out which… wait, then how would you do repeated numbers? Or did numbers never repeat…? I’m confused.

  • I don’t remember a voice, but maybe! I just remember the tone because we were excited that it worked. Someone came out of the gas station and saw us taking pictures and stuff and they told us that it’s there because until recently (and even still) cell coverage was really bad or nonexistent in the area, so a lot of people still used landlines.

  • I would probably have similar difficulties… I can’t even tell what they were doing wrong and then suddenly doing right. I do know the basic motion because I’ve seen it in shows I think, like you spin it around… but I never really thought about how precisely you do that. And you only had a certain amount of time to dial it?? That’s crazy.

    I will say I would have figured out you need to pick it up first sooner. But even my office phone I dial the number, see it on the little screen, hit send, and then lift up the receiver if I don’t want to use speaker phone.