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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • This is an actualized response. In the moment a lot of people can’t pull this off, it does take practice. You’re right, of course, this is better…I just wish people would more commonly be willing to ask a clarifying question or two before pulling out the butcher’s knife.

    Some folks just aren’t good with their words and may otherwise be great people. In this situation, true or not, they were talking for some time. I think that level of interaction is worth some benefit of the doubt and the tiniest bit of patience. Instead, despite hitting it off and having a great conversation, shallow lady over there judges him by a single moment amongst probably a dozen leading up to it.

    …but that is how it goes. That’s the game. It’s all just a bit silly though.

  • Everyone, don’t bother. I have made every reasonable argument against this silly narrative that I could think of since it began and not a single time has any one of these folks gone, “Yeah, Trump/GOP has promised worse” or anything remotely similar. You will receive one of a couple canned responses, which I’ll paraphrase below:

    1. “So you support the genocide?!”
    2. “You BlueMAGA are all the same. You support the genocide?!”
    3. “If you don’t support the genocide you will vote third party!”

    They will not listen to things like how you don’t support the genocide, don’t support war, know things like genocides are horrible, any explanation about how it will get worse, or anything similar.

    Just trying to save you some time.

  • And yet, us ahem “Blue Maga” are also the ones who fight for abortion rights. We want justice, not just equality. We hate wars, and dislike people who lie selfishly for gain at the expense of others. We also recognize that not everything can be fixed by anger and good intentions, that there will be setbacks and total failures. Many of us also still have hope and will fight for the rights of even those who view us somehow as their enemy. This is why you see so much less anger directed at you or even at actual MAGA supporters.

    We’re angry that they’ve allowed themselves to get duped so badly. We’re angry that malicious and evil idealism has even managed to take hold. We’re angry at the generations who sat on their hands. We’re angry, just a little, at one another for never coming to agreements. While you’re busy hyperventilating, take a moment between gasps to consider your position. Why did we go to Iraq? Who continued pushing for wars? Who benefits the most? Which party fights so hard to stop Veteran care?

    Be angry, just make sure to point it at the correct people.