Hitler didn’t just kill Jews, but also many other groups, which invalidates Anons conclusion.
Hitler didn’t just kill Jews, but also many other groups, which invalidates Anons conclusion.
I still have one in a closet since about 5 years. One day it will rust through, explode and turn everything in my closet white. But maybe I’ll need it again 😅
To be fair, it really looked like we were about to achieve world peace like 15 years ago. EU didn’t expect russia to start a war etc… In my region they minimized the military over and over, as it seemed we had no enemies.
Can’t wait for him to nuke a hurricane tho. Maybe it will cause nuclear war, but might as well at this point.
Both can be true. No contradiction.
Wasted opportunity to make the last one Microsoft
Found Team Rocket
Pic looks older though. Is it from a time when people still thought putin could be reasoned with?
I hate your coworker
No dood, the contest, not the election itself smh
Wait a minute. Just having a gun isn’t a reason to shoot someone in Maryland, is it? They might have a license. So the policeman would be guilty of manslaughter either way.
I prefer social media where people post because they have content, need help or want to discuss something, not just post to be hip or the site is popular.
I hope not. Imagine all the crazies.
Wanna bet? It’s either Trump or Harris. You think like a loser.
There’s not such thing as “wasted votes”.
In electoral college and winner-takes-it-all systems (like the one in use in that election) votes for candidates not endorsed by large groups of voters have no effect on the outcome. You can lie to yourself, but this is not a European country. If a party doesn’t get a huge group of voters committed long before the election, it’s over for them.
Yes, people can vote for whoever they like, but only two options ultimately count. The rest is basically discarded on the electors stage.
dood, the election contest is over now. you’re chasing ghosts of the past
No, you’re intentionally ignorant.
If both are unsuitable for the climate cause, it doesn’t mean you get a 3rd option. It means the climate is irrelevant for this election. In that case you lost the chance to have a climate relevant option many years ago. Voting a 3rd party or not voting will not pressure the candidates to do anything for the climate now. Even the threat of letting the authoritarian fascist win comes too late, because third parties are already out.
Also, if the US doesn’t elect the democrat candidate now, trump will be elected and there will be no way of doing anything for the climate with the US any more, likely forever.
The ship has sailed. You can only choose how bad you lose now.
dood. the problem is, you wrote
Anyone who call to imperatively vote for the red and blue party is an enemy of the climate cause and of humanity.
Which in an electoral college system means you want votes to be wasted and increase the risk the orange menace wins, who is the bigger enemy of the climate cause and of humanity.
Basically your words contradict your goals at the moment and it even raises the suspicion you’re trying to manipulate ppl for the GOP or foreign actors (which favor the GOP).
This is not the time to vote 3rd party or abstain. This is lesser evil time. The US isn’t a country where this is done with coalitions like in EU or so. If you wanted a 3rd party to win this election, that ship has sailed. For the next, maybe, but don’t confuse ppl who should vote now.
On the stock markets (worldwide) it felt like someone held back the whole time and then started investing large sums.
I also immediatelty scrapped all my plans about buying US stock. Everything has to be reevaluated 😕
Maybe I’ll have to reconsider my Taiwan investments, too.