They had a tree line right there! Practically suicide.
They had a tree line right there! Practically suicide.
When you make a potentially system breaking change and forgot to make a snapshot of the VM beforehand…
Did anyone else just buy all the ingredients from the potion shop, make a million health potions, and then sell it back at a profit?
You could break Oblivion very easily.
District 9 literally calls this out in the first five minutes.
Holy shit! Now this is a buried memory!
So much weird porn games on Newgrounds back in the day. Does anyone remember the Little Red Riding Hood one?
I always felt that high-res Surprised Pikachu kinda ruins it. It’s funnier when it’s all fuzzy and jpg-y.
When DDLG and pet play come together…
NERV had a branch in Nevada that was destroyed when Unit 04 was activated. I wonder if Las Vegas was destroyed in the process.
Finally a use for the Mirai. God knows it wasn’t much of a vehicle.
He’d be much cooler if it was Kagami instead of Konata.
His secret Canadian family…
…his even more secret attic family.
It was kinda bad.
It’s a lot better now, but getting to military web sites, especially OWA, has always been a pain in the ass on personal computers. I tried this out trying to avoid using my main computer for work stuff and it just didn’t work that well.
I don’t think anyone was really using it that much which is probably why it isn’t maintained.
Kiss him deep with tongue!
Ceph. I have some Raspberry Pi’s that I’m going to set up a cluster with. Just haven’t gotten around to it yet. I half expect the performance to be relatively terrible, but maybe it won’t and I can try to build something on top of the cluster in a sort of hyper converged setup.
It’s completely overkill for a small home lab but that’s what makes it fun.
Ah, you must be a bard…
I have questions… who wants to kiss Gortash? Is this a thing people have been asking for?
I do like this song and album, but in hindsight you can see it’s the beginning when the band got a lot less weird and more commercial.
The autism of tank nerds never ceases to astound me.
I don’t know if I would want to do it all the time, but I have come to appreciate the workflow when using a single monitor. I feel like I’m more focused.
Théoden is canonically left-handed.