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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 1st, 2023


  • This is even more dumb when even Joan f-g Rowling in her books about magic for children described how and why magic can’t do this. One of the reasons I like Harry Potter - not for the plot or the human part, but for the magic there being quite similar to computers in our time. With similar limitations, except for unique cases.

    So no matter how much one hates Rowling (I don’t, she’s done more good than evil by far still), she’s smarter and more decent than most of the humanity. That sucks.

  • Another attempt to approach king Midas’ powers by turning matter into shit, because apparently if we can turn it into shit, then eventually we’ll learn to turn it into gold.

    It’s amazingly stupid. Among other things because it’s been described by Lem in either “Summa Technologiae” or “Megabit Bomb”, I don’t remember which. Possibly both.

    But one doesn’t have to read Lem for the concept of entropy.

    It just feels so boring. People with power showing with all their herd that they don’t deserve that power, because they don’t understand simple concepts.