Just another reddit refugee

Avatar/PFP by TmiracleART

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Thank you for the cat tax 😭 Todd is adorable. Do you have any shelter setup for colder days/nights for Todd, or does he sleep somewhere else?

    Your advice is sound, I think I’ll start by leaving food on my porch and letting the cat approach the property. The problem is that the cat was waaaay too friendly to be a feral, and was neutered too. The only reason it bit me was because it was startled by a motorcycle starting, otherwise it was all over me (I didn’t try to pick it up or anything). I think it is a lost pet.

  • I don’t think you’ve read my entire post. My neighbour’s have already been feeding it, and not taking it to a vet/giving it a safe place to stay. Only feeding. I’m trying to catch it to take it to the vet see if it has an owner/microchip. Also animal control in my city won’t get a stray cat until it has been trapped.

    And it doesn’t have a “shaved patch”, it’s entire body is shaved, something that our TNR teams wouldn’t do because it cold here. I think it is suffering from abuse and that’s why I want to trap it.

    I’m sure you mean well, and thank you for the advice, but ultimately I’m asking because of the things you stated in your post (shorter life, disease, etc). Because it bit me, my doctor and the local CDC said it’s better to have it under observation, and to try to get it into a controlled area. I would also like that for my peace of mind, if I can get it in my closed yard then Animal Control can come pick it up.

  • It is so so strange to me that there are Americans who want Tlaib to ignore her Palestinian heritage, and be “American first” because she is a representative of the American electorate.

    Ignoring the fact that she probably has Palestinian/Arab constituents, these are also usually the same people who shout about their European heritage 5 generations back or whatever (don’t even get me started about their claims of descending from Henry the Eight or whatever), and also never actually “claim” Tlaib as American in any other circumstances because she’s not visibly of European descent.

    Like…make it make sense, Robert from HR, who can’t be a direct descended to Henry the Eight because it is literally impossible.