• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • I worked at a gas station for years in a poor town and I bought and sold several used computers that sometimes ended up being stolen. I always did my best to make sure that didn’t happen. I’d check the personal info on the drives before I’d clear them and try to get up with the people who originally owned them. I probably returned at least 15 of them over the years.

    It’s crazy to think that I could have ended up being charged with murder if I had been pulled over with some shit in my car.

    One time I got a sob story, “I lost my job bro. You can get my Xbox 360, my tv, my laptop, and all these games right now for 100 bucks.” I lost that 100 bucks because I contacted the Xbox account and found that the stuff had all been stolen and I returned it. Imagine if someone had killed someone to get that stuff and I got pulled over with it.

    They gave me a cheap guitar for returning it. They didn’t have to do that and I’ve always appreciated it. It’s risky being in a poor town and buying things for resell.

  • As a cockeyed person, it doesn’t bother me. People rarely say anything. Sometimes you can catch people being confused about which eye to look into but it’s brief.

    I did have a kid say to me one time, “Wow, your eyes are like, seriously crossed!” I acted surprised and said, “Seriously? Oh my god! Do you think other people notice?” She felt bad about it and said, “No! No! It’s just where I was standing. I doubt anyone ever seen it.” :p

    My eyes are nowhere near as bad as biggie’s though because my sweet mother got me surgery when I was 5 years old. I still thank her for it regularly.

  • Your comment made me go and buy it for my Steam deck. Even knowing what is coming I’m having a blast 11 years later. I have already bawled my eyes out and I’ve forgotten enough that I can’t wait to get into it fully again.

    Thank you.

    Please play it. Seriously. Do it for me and come back to me. If I wasn’t so damn poor I’d buy it for you. If nothing else watch the opening part on YouTube and see if it doesn’t hook you.

  • This is exactly what I’ve seen in Appalachian coal country. I once sat with a man who cried his eyes out because of the decision to call Florida for Bush. That same man died a Republican.

    In my own family, when I was a kid they were all democrats. Now they’re all republicans. Of course that also has to do with their religious views and the bigotry that comes with that.

    What you’re saying here is a big part of it though. “They called us hillbillies and inbred hicks all our lives, and now we can’t say anyone is a fairy? I learned to laugh at myself and now I have to hold my tongue for other people?!”

    I didn’t just make that up. I’ve heard several variations of that since the 2010s when the big switch kicked into overdrive.

    I’ll also say that racism had a big part in the shift. A man with the middle name Hussein was elected 7 years after 9/11 and that man was black. It caused a lot of white brains to short out.