• 9 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • The Google account is still there, I’ve just hidden each of those calendars. New events seem to default to whichever calendar you used last (citation needed) so once you’ve created an event under the NextCloud account, it should default to that. The app I use (Business Calendar Pro) doesn’t even give the option if a particular calendar is disabled.

    As far as DAVx5, the default is to only sync every 4 hours. Phone to NC is instant (once DAVx sees the change), but NC to Phone has a delay. However!..

    I just set up the ntfy app to create instant two way sync both ways. It’s pretty slick. Dig around in the DAVx5 documentation about how that works. You install the DAV Push app on the NC server, ntfy on your phone, enable UnifiedPush in the DAVx settings, do a little dance, and then NC notifies DAVx every time there’s a change.

    Edit: you can also delete calendars from Google Calendar settings on the web, but this is obviously permanent. I think you can also totally remove Calendar from your account.

    Edit2: You can’t remove calendar from your account, only delete individual calendars.

  • In a web browser I use the NextCloud one. It’s functionally very similar to Google and I like it a lot.

    For our Android phones, my wife uses the Google Calendar app, and I like Business Calendar Pro.

    Both apps you just have to go into the settings once DAVx5 has done the initial sync and uncheck all of the Google calendars so they aren’t shown, and check the boxes next to the new Calendars.

    Exporting and Importing I could only really easily do via the web browser for both.

  • A couple of days ago, after testing it myself for a few months to make sure I understood how everything works, I made the switch to NextCloud Calendar, and will no longer use Google Calendar.

    This is the best part though… I somehow convinced my wife to do the same. She let me install the NextCloud app(optional for Calendar stuff but makes the setup easier) and DAVx5 on her phone (both from F-Droid, so DAVx5 was free). I exported and imported her calendar, and made sure the notifications were set up to her preferred default.

    It’s multiple days later, and she hasn’t complained!

    I’ve also moved all of my contacts over to NextCloud, but have yet to coerce my spouse to do the same.

  • Plex can sometimes get by without port forwarding by using UPnP or NAT-PMP, but I had to open a port to use Plex (before I started using Jellyfin and a reverse proxy).

    Same with Nextcloud, you either have to open a port or use a reverse proxy. Reverse proxy is more secure. Good stuff!

    Worth mentioning that either way you’re opening up ports (you need to open 80 and 443 for the reverse proxy), but that’s much better than opening a bunch of ports, one for each thing you’re running.

    The hardcore security minded people will always scream “use wireguard or whatever”, which also works really well (even combined with a reverse proxy that’s not exposed to the internet (80 and 443 not forwarded)). I do this for some of the stuff I run that I don’t want exposed at all, like my password manager. To access my password manager while out and about, I need to connect to my wireguard thing (my router sets it up for me), and then my phone is effectively back inside my LAN, and I can access whatever I need to. Fortunately it’s rare that I need to do this, because my password manager keeps a cached copy on my phone.

    Sorry, getting long winded. You get the point!

  • https://help.kagi.com/kagi/search-details/search-sources.html

    I tried finding API pricing for Google but it’s probably buried somewhere. They make it sound “free” but with usage limits, which surely Kagi exceeds? Either way, it’s probably on a “per-call” basis, and Google gets a lot less money that way compared to crapping out money driven search results.

    “Our unique algorithms down-rank pages with a lot of ads and trackers (which we have found correlate with a decrease in content quality) and promote content from independent, ad-free sources and personal websites.”

    I’m sure it’s not perfect, but my experience with Kagi has been very very good. With DuckDuckGo I’d often have to revert to Google to find what I was looking for, but not with Kagi.

    I pay for Kagi, so my opinion might be clouded by confirmation bias.

  • Those are designed for indoors. I don’t have any experience with them, but they might not survive the harsh conditions of being outdoors… especially water intrusion if they get rained on. They might be fine if placed directly under an awning or soffit.

    My favorite temp sensors, by far, are one of a few that you can hook up to a LOLIN D1 Mini or other ESP type board. This is temp sensors on hard mode, though. You have to buy the various parts, solder them together (read further for a no-solder option), and then flash software onto it. The software I use is Tasmota, but ESPHome is another popular option. Both integrate directly with HA.

    The downsides to this is each D1 Mini needs a 5v power supply (phone charger, for example). The new ones are USB-C. I don’t know of a good battery option for these boards. These are wifi devices use more power than z-wave or zigbee.

    Sensors that I’ve had good luck with are DS18B20 (also available in a waterproof version), and if you want something really good that includes humidity and barometric pressure, then BME688 is top of the line. The board that the BME688 comes on still needs a D1 Mini to hook up to. They are easier because you can use one of these cables to connect it to the D1 Mini, so no soldering required.

    You can even go a step further and 3D print an enclosure for the electronics.

    I know it’s not what you asked for since you’re looking for outdoor sensors, but maybe someone will find it interesting.