• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • OK tell me when RGB could have resigned and have us get another Dem in? When Obama was in? Sure only he only had the majority for 4 months and he was trying to get a health care plan through? And he had enough trouble with getting one Supreme Court Justice in, and failed, do you really think he would have gotten 2 in? She hung on hoping for an overwhelmingly Dem win in 2016, which is what all the polls told everyone would happen, only a bunch of fools thought protest voting was a thing and that the most qualified candidate in the history of people running for President should lose to a hate filled businessman because she didn’t have a penis. So she should have retired under Trump? Given them a Republican on the Supreme Court 4 years earlier, no instead she did the only thing she could which is hang on as long as she could spending her last days trying to stay alive long enough for us to rectify the mistakes we made and she almost fucking made it.

  • Cool opinion, just explain to me how say a mother of 3 that can’t find or afford a sitter is supposed to vote? Or her husband who is working 2 jobs to pay rent is supposed to find time? How about the elderly that don’t have a car? The handicapped? What if I have a contagious disease? I should just turn on up to a busy polling booth and spread my TB all over the place? Or am immunocompromised and could die from a cold, probably spread by that sick person that had to turn up to vote? All those people lose their right to vote because they can’t get to a polling place on the one day they allow voting? You are removing their rights why?