Operating Philosophy
This server is intended to provide a forum for discussion, debate, and hopefully some entertainment. With this intent in mind, a very wide range of topics and content are permissible to be hosted on the site. However, there are some limits, which are detailed in the following Server Rules:
Server Rules
- No Violence: users may not advocate or promote violence against an individual, groups, (profit or non-profit) organizations, governments, elected officials, or government officials/employees.
- No Trolling, Doxing, Dogpiling, Hate Speech, or Toxic Behavior
- No Inauthentic Accounts or Behavior including misleading identity, purpose, or origin of the entity that they represent, unless the account is clearly marked as parody.
- No Illegal Content: users may not post content that is illegal in the United States or the State of Georgia.
- NSFW Content is Permissible on server communities permitting such content. Please note that all NSFW content must adhere to Rule #4 (No Illegal Content).