"Muso, a research firm that studies piracy, concluded that the high prices of streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music are pushing people back towards illegal downloads. Spotify raised its prices by one dollar last year to $10.99 a month, the same price as Apple Music. Instead of coughing up $132 a year, more consumers are using websites that rip audio straight out of YouTube videos, and convert them into downloadable MP3 or .wav files.

Roughly 40% of the music piracy Muso tracked was from these “YouTube-to-MP3” sites. The original YouTube-to-MP3 site died from a record label lawsuit, but other copycats do the same thing. A simple Google search yields dozens of blue links to these sites, and they’re, by far, the largest form of audio piracy on the internet."

The problem isn’t price. People just don’t want to pay for a bad experience. What Apple Music and Spotify have in common is that their software is bloated with useless shit and endlessly annoying user-hostile design. Plus Steve Jobs himself said it back in 2007: “people want to own their music.” Having it, organizing it, curating it is half the fun. Not fun is pressing play one day and finding a big chunk of your carefully constructed playlist is “no longer in your library.” Screw that.

  • linearchaos@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    I have a slightly different suggestion.

    Inflation is crap and the first thing to go are subscriptions that raise their prices when people are already hurting. If you want retention, keep your prices locked when users are having bad times and you’re raking in record profits.

    I think curation is great too, but I also think age plays a lot into individual views. A bunch of the younger guys at work were saying how they didn’t want playlists and they didn’t want to listen to an album, they just wanted to hit a button that knew their tastes musically and would give them a mix of familiar likes and new discoveries. The proceeded to describe a radio station to me, sans commercials. They were hot on all the music streaming and though I was crazy for wanting to spend time sorting through music.

    Looking at a Spotify by age graph, the boomers dig it (because it’s easy?), Gen-Z and the Younger Millennials dig it, Gen X has less than half the uptake of the other groups.

    We were mixing our own tapes in our tweens and teens. We wired ourselves to find music, copy it and play it in the specific order we want.

    or at least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

    • Takumidesh@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      A radio station is a small selection of music curated by an individual and meant for the masses.

      Modern music streaming has dynamically curated music from a nearly infinite source, it’s really not the same.

      • Spuddlesv2@lemmy.ca
        8 months ago

        Spotify tried to shove Doja Cat at me the other day. I have never ever EVER listened to anything that would even remotely suggest I would like Doja Cat. It may be infinite but there is still someone behind the scenes pushing particular songs and artists.

      • HessiaNerd@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        Gen Xer here…

        It didn’t use to be this bad. The FCC (and ftc) dropped the bag (regulatory capture), letting clear channel gobble up stations.

        When I was a kid had a couple great local stations back in the day. One was a highschool station that local bands could send in cassette tapes and they would play them on Tuesdays. They had a Mosh Monday curated by local metalhead kids/young adults (there was vocational training at the radio station in evening classes).

        Even the commercial channels were better. Not great or anything, but they had a lot more variety.

    • ThePowerOfGeek@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Man, your comment reminded me of mp3.com back in the early days of digital music.

      It had a lot of up and coming bands on it. And it allowed users the ability to create their own curated ‘radio stations’. You could compile hours of music from those artists and share it with the rest of the user base. And other users could recommend songs for inclusion in your station (which also helped you discover new bands).

      I created a station that was getting some decent listening numbers, and I got some good recommendations from listeners (sometimes self-promotion, but that’s okay).

      Then one day it was all gone. Probably related to the backlash from the record industry caused by Napster (even though, I think, mp3.com had acquired rights from those artists?). Sad times.

      That’s what music streaming fused with social media should be about.

    • Sinistar@lemmy.ml
      8 months ago

      Inflation being a major cause is definitely on my mind, too. For the past decade basically everything has experimented with becoming a subscription service, and if people aren’t doing so hot on their monthly budgets they’re going to start looking for things to cut.

    • aesthelete@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      A bunch of the younger guys at work were saying how they didn’t want playlists and they didn’t want to listen to an album, they just wanted to hit a button that knew their tastes musically and would give them a mix of familiar likes and new discoveries.

      That’s Pandora… Eventually everything like this gets boring if you are interested in music instead of musak.

      I get it though. Some people really aren’t that interested in music and just want some background noise. That’s probably even the majority of people, but I’m not sure it’s entirely an age thing.