I crafted up some usefull video playlists for easy access to videos that teach about the various parts of the Fediverse hosted on Peertube. Playlists Ranging from basics like Activity pub to platforms like Mastodon.

activity pub- http://tube.spdns.org/w/p/dU2HFKybwUXiunXQ5hpTxd

There aren’t alot of activity pub realated videos under 4 minutes but theres enough in the playlist to learn from it.



Peertube- http://tube.spdns.org/w/p/4BC72dArTJvVdvuFig6JQa


Lemmy didn’t have as much helpful videos under 4 minutes. Even activity pub out paced it. Can someone make a short what is lemmy video on Peertube?