And where are you from? And how old? Not “do you” but just if you know how.

I’m in the US, mid 30s and can (and do) drive a manual transmission.

    1 year ago

    Northeast USA, 41 years old at the time (50 now), previous car to current one was a manual Honda Civic because it was what we could afford. My husband took me to a parking lot to show me the basics on a Saturday (he’d learned to drive on a stick shift), then off I went to work that Monday.

    NGL. first month I cried a lot because I stalled out often, especially between first and second gear. After a while, though, I grew to love the control–especially in winter conditions–and that I could now drive any car. Eventually, the transmission burnt out, and we got a hybrid C-Max, which is nice, fuel-efficient, but I would drive another manual again if given the opportunity.