Like Fluoride or Oxygen.
Elephant steak vs elephant
Everything. Literally everything can be fatal in large enough quantities. Quote from one of my chemistry professors: “there are no lethal substances, only lethal doses”
“The dose makes the poison” -some old dude that like found the pharmaceutical industry
According to people I know, I’m only ok in small doses.
Then they leave.
So you’ve never had so far the opportunity to test whether or not you are lethal at higher doses ?
Acetaminophen/Paracetamol. The safe therapeutic dose is very close to the toxic dose. While most people don’t intentionally overdose, at least not for treating illness symptoms, the problem arises when they take multiple medications that all contain acetaminophen, following the label for all of them can easily net you a toxic dose.
Chubbyemu video:
Just about anything including water or salt
Not just about. Literally everything is lethal at a high enough concentration.
LD50’s are fun!
The first part of the question asks what is safe in small amounts