Ironically, censorship offends me and hurts the feelings of the censored. And no this isn’t me lamenting that “we can no longer say it,” I’ve been going on tirades against censorship since Tipper Gore got a boner for The Dead Kennedys and H. R. Giger. Fuck the PMRC, fuck the RIAA, fuck Jesse Helms, fuck censorship!
Ironically, censorship offends me and hurts the feelings of the censored. And no this isn’t me lamenting that “we can no longer say it,” I’ve been going on tirades against censorship since Tipper Gore got a boner for The Dead Kennedys and H. R. Giger. Fuck the PMRC, fuck the RIAA, fuck Jesse Helms, fuck censorship!
A lot of .ml’s moderation is pretty ironic