nothing beats the petdom
it’s soft, picks up hairs and then self-cleans into it’s holder.
When it’s full you just take the cap off the end and put the hair in the bin
I like my chomchom, which is basically a double red lint brush on rollers with a storage spot for the fur to be easily removed after use. So you can do an entire cat tree before needing to stop to remove fur from the device.
nothing beats the petdom it’s soft, picks up hairs and then self-cleans into it’s holder. When it’s full you just take the cap off the end and put the hair in the bin
Other than storing the fur inside the brush, that looks like a normal red lint brush
You could use one of those too.
I like my chomchom, which is basically a double red lint brush on rollers with a storage spot for the fur to be easily removed after use. So you can do an entire cat tree before needing to stop to remove fur from the device.