Also XCHWM. Like most other things, it gets less strange and foreign the more exposure you have to it. My biggest old man Gen X hurdle so far regarding gender was remembering to use “they” when referring to a non-binary person. It felt weird for a while, but they more I did it, the easier it got.
In a different comment, I talked about the difficulty I have with pronouns. It’s not because it offends me, it’s because the traditional usage is so hard wired in whatever part of my brain oversees language.
Also XCHWM. Like most other things, it gets less strange and foreign the more exposure you have to it. My biggest old man Gen X hurdle so far regarding gender was remembering to use “they” when referring to a non-binary person. It felt weird for a while, but they more I did it, the easier it got.
In a different comment, I talked about the difficulty I have with pronouns. It’s not because it offends me, it’s because the traditional usage is so hard wired in whatever part of my brain oversees language.
I think most people are fine with it as long as you’re genuinely trying to make the effort to be better.
It’s when your age becomes an excuse to not bother that it becomes a problem.