Reminds me that the whole concept of generations is something manufactured of whole cloth and meant to divide us, but more than that, that real people are compassionate and understanding. All that stuff is just fake.

It gives me hope for unity.

    3 months ago

    The worst part of this is that half the western world seems to be caught by right-wing media that has managed to convince them that the problem is gays, immigrants, muslims, jews, professors, doctors, scientists, teachers, etc. These people believe that the rich are their allies, and so when Jeff Bezos rides a penis rocket into “space”, they cheer instead of wanting to lynch him.

    Democracy doesn’t work unless the voters are informed. The right-wing media system has brainwashed people so they can’t even accept basic facts – and that’s before you start diving into the whole conspiracy space with Jewish space lasers, a flat earth, chemtrails, crisis actors, etc.

    Because these voters are so misinformed, they advocate against anything that might help them or their children to become more informed. So, the problem just gets worse generation by generation.

    If you can’t get people to understand the basic facts of life, you definitely can’t get them to understand the problem. If you can’t get them to understand the problem, there’s no way to get them to advocate for a solution. And, even if it were possible to get a majority to advocate for a solution, the electoral systems of the world are so rigged that it would be really hard to pass the required laws.