• darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    Once the US extricates itself from Ukraine, gets European defense industry production running at a higher rate than it has been in decades (one of the goals of the Ukraine conflict besides just divorcing Europe from Russia and pulling them into the US sphere is getting Europe to increase their fighting and production potential for NATO overall, to turn them into a weapon for US use), and builds up a stock-pile for itself I’m convinced it’s go-time for attacking China.

    Those are the only things they’re waiting for. They can’t attack while continuing to supply Ukraine and they don’t want to attack before getting a bit more production capacity into play that will enable them to fight China longer and inflict more pain and punishment and possibly enough devastation to forcibly decouple China from much of the world (as I assume their plan is to shoot missiles at ports, rail infrastructure, and after that random factories all conveniently labeled as defense factories while not all are, etc).

    In line with this open war by the way, as we saw with Bangladesh they’ll be doing hybrid war, sanctions war, using their Ukraine assassination Nazi kill squads and such to go around the world instigating terrorism, conflict, coups, assisting color revolutions, etc. They don’t just plan to deny Chinese goods to places, they plan to overthrow groups of geographically/strategically significant countries and bring them by force into the anti-China camp to blunt the belt and road, to blunt Chinese expansion into other markets, to blunt China’s access to raw resources and to ultimately contain China, Russia, the DPRK in a geographically isolated pocket and self-trading group cut off from the rest of the world, subject to merciless hybrid warfare and propaganda and instigation of extremism and terrorism as well as hitting their economies as hard as they can using the full power of the dollar while it still holds.

    I assume originally their optimistic forecasts for Ukraine saw defeating Russia then turning Ukraine into a super weapons and war factory producing not just Nazi soldiers and assassins but bombs, drones, etc all at much lower rates than developed nations and funneling them into Poland to be taken into the NATO supply chain in earnest. But right now they seem to think (and maybe they’re right) that they can get some sort of negotiated settlement with Russia that still saves some face, extricates them and their strained supplies from this conflict, allows them to continue building up Nazi fortress Ukraine’s war machine for use by NATO and allows them to pivot.

    This is part of the reason why I think they’re so desperate to avoid war with Iran in the middle east. It would be a big detour that could derail their plans. It would empty US/NATO stockpiles even further and likely put a prolonged strain on them that would require involvement and use of weapons at large scale in the middle east for several years which runs into their timetable for attacking China.

    Assuming war with Iran doesn’t happen and the US can manage to either wind down the Ukraine conflict to a frozen conflict, official armistice, or non-official, or even a treaty of some sort by the middle of next year or before I think they’re going to try a war with China by 2026-28.

    • Che's Motorcycle@lemmygrad.ml
      2 months ago

      The US is still threatening Iran over its pending retaliation for “Israel” killing Haniyeh. The Biden regime might favor a ceasefire, but they can’t abandon the zionist project either.