Aside from racism. I mean economically/socially, what issues does too much immigration cause?

  • Cryophilia@lemmy.worldOP
    6 months ago

    Also, you asked the question, I gave response. That’s how public discussion works.

    …no shit? Weird passive aggressive comment out of nowhere

    Edit: a perfect example of how bad things can be, and why you don’t want large numbers coming in without integration.

    What country is this?

    Plus, frankly, we have enough crackpots and extremists of our own. Just letting everyone in, with no limits, you end up with even more, and that may be more than any culture can take.

    Strange you think “newcomers = crackpots”. All the immigrants I’ve met have been normal, sane people. Most crackpots are born citizens. It could be that letting in immigrants will dilute the ratio of crackpots.

    Doesn’t matter where they’re from, why they’re extremists, it’s a matter of numbers.

    I don’t really foresee ISIS allying with the KKK. Obviously it’s not ideal to have either, but they’re working against each other as much as against society.

    How many extra strict adherents can we take on without disrupting the general trend towards a kind of religious neutrality?

    That’s a good question. I’d be interested in any data. I could see a religious sect taking over a government (democratically) and then using their power to enforce religion. But also, again I don’t foresee different religions working together on this, and it may be that the more different religions we throw together the more they cancel themselves out - it’s harder to believe your god is the real god when you’re surrounded by other people with different gods who also believe THEIR god is the real god.

    That’s just me spitballing though, like I said I don’t really have any information one way or the other.

      6 months ago

      So, you don’t like my opinion.


      It’s still what you asked for.

      I don’t normally give a shit about votes.

      But I came back to edit in an example I found within seconds of hitting enter.

      Now, it is possible someone else hit that down arrow. But the point would still remain that someone, in about a minute or so knee jerked because they didn’t like it.

      That’s just shitty. The comment was made in good faith, it was on topic, and in direct response to a question. It wasn’t offered out of nowhere.

      Whether it was you, or someone else, votes as a disagree button is just lame.

      I should, however, have phrased that part better so you didn’t think it was only directed at you. Looking back at it, it reads like I’m accusing you specifically of doing something. That was not actually the intent.