
  • Woodsy42@ttrpg.network
    2 years ago

    A Dwarven STRanger. Classic Hunter, uses exclusively axes.

    An Elven Fey Wanderer Ranger/Echo Knight Fighter who is basically “pretty boy in plate punches things”.

    A blind Human Divine Soul Sorc/Celestial Warlock who can go in one of two directions:

    1. An individual who believes themselves to be the Herald of a LG god, but is unknowingly in service to an evil deity.

    2. A man who lost everything, and believes he was spurned by the gods. So, he sets upon a warpath to kill the gods in revenge.

    EDIT: Can’t believe I forgot about CAT. The Tabaxi Genie Warlock who was a normal cat that wandered into an antique shop and was rubbing against a bunch of random things, and eventually rubbed up against a magic lamp. A Djinni came out, and asked him what he desired. After some confused meows, the Djinni couldn’t understand him, so he turned him into a Tabaxi so they could talk to each other. The Djinni then realized his mistake, and helps the poor Tabaxi navigate life as a new humanoid.