. The White, The Yellow And The Black (1975)

AKA ‘Samurai’ and ‘Shoot first… Ask Questions Later’. A pretty funny and well written spaghetti western. Worth a watch if your looking for some light entertainment and a few laughs.

. Get Him To The Greek (2010)

Don’t understand why films like ‘Superbad’ (2007) and ‘21 Jump Street’ (2010) become beloved classics while this was forgotten. It’s got the comedy of a raunchy late-2000’s Seth Rogan like film and the action of a James Bond movie. The inclusion of Pedo Diddy didn’t age well but that can be forgiven.

  • ChicoSuave@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Hell Comes to Frogtown is a fantastic movie if you can get over the premise of the movie “the government hires a rapist to help jumpstart the population boom after humanity becomes endangered.”