. The White, The Yellow And The Black (1975)

AKA ‘Samurai’ and ‘Shoot first… Ask Questions Later’. A pretty funny and well written spaghetti western. Worth a watch if your looking for some light entertainment and a few laughs.

. Get Him To The Greek (2010)

Don’t understand why films like ‘Superbad’ (2007) and ‘21 Jump Street’ (2010) become beloved classics while this was forgotten. It’s got the comedy of a raunchy late-2000’s Seth Rogan like film and the action of a James Bond movie. The inclusion of Pedo Diddy didn’t age well but that can be forgiven.

  • ChicoSuave@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    One of Robert Downey Jr’s best roles. He was so detached and horrible in the role while being an absolute goofball (that silencer and the bike). He reminded me of a few tweakers I used to know.