Are y’all still fucking crying about a demographic that was too small to change the result?
Since y’all failed on your own and will probably continue to do so maybe try joining us next time! Our moment offers real change, honestly I think you’ll like it far better.
What change are you offering? Real question. Because I don’t see Dems lifting people up. Maybe a college loan gift, if you’re lucky. Nothing else in the real world.
They’re so eager to have us join their cause, yet when we asked them to take a single day out of their lives to defend the basic human rights of minorities in the US, they said “Too much trouble.”
Vocal protest voters created non-viters and turned blue votes into protest votes. “He didn’t die from poison, he died from organ failure…cause by the poison”
Are y’all still fucking crying about a demographic that was too small to change the result?
Since y’all failed on your own and will probably continue to do so maybe try joining us next time! Our moment offers real change, honestly I think you’ll like it far better.
What change are you offering? Real question. Because I don’t see Dems lifting people up. Maybe a college loan gift, if you’re lucky. Nothing else in the real world.
You fucked up this bad and want us to join?
I have no idea what this is about because it’s not in a thread. Perhaps I missed how to link context.
If you mean joining .world, no. I don’t want that.
They’re so eager to have us join their cause, yet when we asked them to take a single day out of their lives to defend the basic human rights of minorities in the US, they said “Too much trouble.”
You seem to be confusing protest voters and non-voters
aww man…not only do you suck at math you’ve got a real shitty point of view on it too.
Show me how Kamala could’ve won the presidency if all the third party voters swapped to her.
I don’t have to because third party voters are free to throw their votes away like they always have.
90 million eligible Americans didn’t vote.
90,000,000 voters.
there were only 150 million votes cast.
I know you’re bad at math, but anyone can see where the problem is.
Lmao the post is about protest voters not non-voters.
Non-voters are too big and diverse a group to slot into any single issue.
Vocal protest voters created non-viters and turned blue votes into protest votes. “He didn’t die from poison, he died from organ failure…cause by the poison”
You’re not very smart, pal. Conservatives are disliked widely. People who aren’t conservative are difficult to motivate. Do you see how this works?
I’ll let the chart speak for me.