Explanation: American dominance of the Pacific was so total during WW2, and our logistical capacity so vast, that while the Axis was scrabbling up every shitbox that floated that they could and putting their civilian populations on starvation rations, the USA was using specialized barges to ship ice cream to our troops
Don’t get between an American and his sweet tooth!
The British: hold my beer… quite literally as they made floating brewery and used Spitfires with under wing barrels to deliver beer to troops (it got chilled in the process)
US troops had the same idea… but… well, ice cream
Operation Freeze flights soon became routine, rotated between the squadron’s pilots and airplanes. They went off without a hitch, wrote Reinburg, until his boss, group operations officer Colonel Caleb Bailey, called to make clear that he didn’t buy the “test flight” ruse. “Listen, goddammit, you guys aren’t fooling me,” Bailey told a VMF-122 officer. “I’ve got spies. You tell [Reinburg] I’m coming over there tomorrow and get my ration.”
I’ll take beer over an icecream any day though.
I never realized the US managed to destroy the entire Japanese Navy, I’m not sure if that exclude subs.
The Japanese Navy was still, as a matter of technicality, extant by the time of Japan’s surrender, but it was not in any sort of fighting condition - and certainly not against the 1945 US Navy, which was a grotesque juggernaut at that point. Only one Japanese capital ship remained floating by the end of the war, and many of the smaller ships were too damaged for combat duty.
Do not be the fun making about the ice cream!
The US Navy’s obsession with Ice cream stems largely from their appalling lack of rum rations, though. Poor buggers would have to resort to drinking torpedo fuel. (if their vessel even had torpedoes)
Yeah when the Japanese saw the Americans off in the distance running for their ice cream barge like schoolchildren at the playground and looked down at their shitty dried prune sorrowfully planted in a thin tray of plain white rice, they pretty much knew the war was over.