That’s taking the name back to Koyukon. It’s not remotely equivalent to making a name up; like they’ve tried with the Gulf of Mexico. Poor equivalence to conflate the two.
Read what I said again. I’m equating the actions that both presidents took to effect the change of name, not the justification or reasoning behind it. People are getting upset that trump used an executive order. There are plenty of reasons to be upset at this, but that isn’t one.
Seriously? You think people are complaining about the means used as opposed to the action sanctioned… interesting. I’ve yet to hear anyone complain about the method - they all seem pissed about the change itself; not how it was achieved. Maybe you’re in different comms to the ones I’ve been browsing…
Why don’t you start by reading the comment that I replied to ?
Actually, I’ll paste it here. They said “Who the hell says the president can rename things via executive order? Surely that’s not iterated as a power of the office.”
… to which I replied to point out that other presidents have used the same power, and then went on to explain that the issue isn’t the use of an executive order, but rather the lack of any reasonable justification beyond petty vindictiveness.
If you want to be angry, be angry at trump, not random people on the internet
Angry? Not sure where you get that from but it ain’t no thing…
To finish quoting the op: “Someone at the Board on Geographic Names bent over faster than a dippy bird.”
I see that as a real concern that a previously well respected institution just blindly accepted a change that runs contrary to accepted local, national and international norms - thus surrendering any impartiality and no longer reporting the facts as they are on the ground.
“… to restore an Alaska Native name…”
That’s taking the name back to Koyukon. It’s not remotely equivalent to making a name up; like they’ve tried with the Gulf of Mexico. Poor equivalence to conflate the two.
Read what I said again. I’m equating the actions that both presidents took to effect the change of name, not the justification or reasoning behind it. People are getting upset that trump used an executive order. There are plenty of reasons to be upset at this, but that isn’t one.
Seriously? You think people are complaining about the means used as opposed to the action sanctioned… interesting. I’ve yet to hear anyone complain about the method - they all seem pissed about the change itself; not how it was achieved. Maybe you’re in different comms to the ones I’ve been browsing…
Why don’t you start by reading the comment that I replied to ?
Actually, I’ll paste it here. They said “Who the hell says the president can rename things via executive order? Surely that’s not iterated as a power of the office.”
… to which I replied to point out that other presidents have used the same power, and then went on to explain that the issue isn’t the use of an executive order, but rather the lack of any reasonable justification beyond petty vindictiveness.
If you want to be angry, be angry at trump, not random people on the internet
Angry? Not sure where you get that from but it ain’t no thing…
To finish quoting the op: “Someone at the Board on Geographic Names bent over faster than a dippy bird.”
I see that as a real concern that a previously well respected institution just blindly accepted a change that runs contrary to accepted local, national and international norms - thus surrendering any impartiality and no longer reporting the facts as they are on the ground.
Presumably you read this part differently to me.
I’m not gonna lose any sleep over that…