Man I hope his undoing is brutal.
It never seems to work out that way anymore. The bad guys outlive us all.
You would think in gun country the justice would’ve swift but no
The gun culture in the US is derived from shooting trespassers on your property when it was a colony because the British learnt from the Spanish colonies it’s much easier just to get your colonists to do self defence rather than having to deploy your own army everywhere.
The whole “well organised militia” part of the 2nd was just the founding farthers fan-boying over Switzerland being a republic in a sea of monarchies. Might have started out that way, but as soon as the US had imperial ambitions outside of it’s own continent that requires a professional federally controlled military and therefore the militia model is obsolete.
So really the 2nd amendment as a means of securing personal freedom from tyranny was and has been not much more than a comfort blanket for libertarian-minded Americans.
Because he’s a sociooopath
saving a relative few pennies in the budget that affects the absolute least among us to give away several dollars to the richest among us which totally coincidentally happens to be him.
and these people who cheer this or are totally indifferent to this news claim to follow christ…
What a dirtbag…
but american flags on mars bro. american flags on mars.
Yeah but one of those kids might be trans like his daughter, do its obviously the right thing to do /s