This is from a fresh boot of the system, except sshd I have not started anything else. ram consumption used to be just 126-200 mb now it has jumped so significantly that I am concerned I might have unnecessarily bloated my system:
I intend to use the system as a local server with an optional fully featured WM(Hyprland which is installed, but this screenshot was taken before it was loaded) for occasional use.
Ram conservation is a top priority and I would like to know if such a big jump in usage is normal or are there is something wrong with my system config
If you can live without Networkmanager, I’d disable it and move your network setup to a static ip. Networkmanager can hog resources.
Yea, this kind of blows me away. Maybe I’m out of the loop, but 3-4 processes each eating away that much memory? Just to deal with the network stuff? Holy fuck.
Well I wasn’t thinking about memory (and maybe that’s the reason some people downvoted that comment…) but because in my experience NetworkManager takes time starting at boot and with months/years it was taking more and more time. I reset it once and kept doing the same thing.
As you said you’re planning on a home server kind of thing I’d think setting up a static ip is a good idea and NetworkManager is just an overkill for that - you could very well go along with Gentoo’s netifrc.