So we must just support your piece of shit Ukraine because you feel its the right thing to do? fucking delusion using every single buzzword, that just shows how fucking insane you are dumb clown doesnt even know the definition of a fascist, clown world
Seems like they are losing (russia losing) after all.
they screeched and slurred their way into a ban from the platform, like I said, people like that talk tough behind a keyboard, because they’d face consequences in real life for saying that. ranging from a punch in the face to a slug in the brainpan.
They, “justexit” spewed this crap:
Seems like they are losing (russia losing) after all.
Slava Ukraine!
they screeched and slurred their way into a ban from the platform, like I said, people like that talk tough behind a keyboard, because they’d face consequences in real life for saying that. ranging from a punch in the face to a slug in the brainpan.