I’ve heard they want to be enrolled in more mailing lists.
It would sure be a shame if someone submitted this email to https://mailbait.info/
He won’t know about great deals if he’s not signed up for the newsletters. It’s a favor really.
He’s getting Cat Facts.
Good on you for sharing that indespensible information.
Can he unsubscribe?
Did you know cats DON’T actually have 9 lives? Thanks for subscribing to Cat Facts Lemmy edition!
Did you know that cats can’t unsubscribe because they don’t have hands? Thanks for subscribing to Cat Facts on Lemmy!
This is my life now, isn’t it? Cat Facts for eternity …
but his emails
Just hire a hacker to get them and be done with the censorship.
I know FOIA doesn’t pertain to it, but it’s funny how the website mentions FOIA first thing while requiring you to sign up with your email to read the full article.