• Width: (describe the width of the road, often measured in the number of lanes).
  • Speed limit: (what is the speed limit. Leave ? if unknown)
  • Typology*: (from Decatur CTP, link below, or comparable document)
  • DeKalb Classification**: (from DeKalb CTP)
  • Dangerous intersections*: (list intersections noted in CTP or comparable document, plus any additional information you have about recent injuries)
  • Development: (note recent real estate development that will bring increased traffic to this road)
  • Proposals: (note proposals to improve safety on the road or street, especially those supported by governmental agencies with some say over the roadway).

*2018 Decatur Community Transportation Plan shows street typology in figure 4.3 and vehicular injuries in figures 3.2 and 3.3.

**2022 DeKalb Comprehensive Transportation Plan has functional classifications on pages 34 and 35.