I don’t think vegans are against eggs simply because they are an animal “product”, they’re against eggs because of the factory farming methods used to obtain them.
I don’t think vegans are against eggs simply because they are an animal “product”, they’re against eggs because of the factory farming methods used to obtain them.
If you’re going to dump it at the side of the road, why bag it?
Not the point. It’s a comment about how actions would speak louder than words.
Yep, likewise, Saddam was a cunt but he killed three times fewer civilians than our war of terror did.
Aye. Some people will be of the view that being fascinated with young boys is strange at best, other people will make excuses and say that it’s very unlikely that anything untowards went on anyway.
Macaulay Culkin saying that nothing happened to him doesn’t mean nothing happend with any other of the young boys.
I don’t believe that you watched both parts of that documentary and still thought that nothing untowards was going on.
It’s nothing like that.
Do you prefer a man that says “as soon as you turn around, I’m going to stab you in the back”, or a man that smiles at you and then stabs you in the back as soon as it is turned?
At the end of the day, we’ll probably never know and many people argue that he should get the benefit of the doubt unless proven otherwise.
I think not only was his childhood repressed, but also his sexual development and I’d be absolutely unsurprised to find that his attraction to young boys was partly, at least some of the time, sexual.
I agree that his upbringing is an extenuating circumstance and I do believe that caused him to be repressed in many ways, that doesn’t mean he didn’t act out some fantasies that he had with young boys.
“Sick” is a term that’s open to interpretation, some would say that the things he was accused of are sick, others would interpret that he was mentally unwell. I would say it’s a bit of both.
It’s an odd case. Whilst most agree that he wasn’t a full blown child rapist, it’s clear that he had an interest in young boys that went further than just fantasy, but people choose to ignore it because “BeAt It ThO!!!”.
You can appreciate art whilst knowing that the artist was sick.
Leaving Neverland https://g.co/kgs/8Bqcp49
I watched this not just with an open mind, but like you and many others here, with the mind that people were colluding to extort money from Jackson. This completely changed my mind.
I mean, I get it. If one of my favourite artists was accused of being a pedo, I’d defend them and say the claims can’t be proven etc.
In this case, I think it’s safe to say that whilst he wasn’t a full blown child rapist, that he clearly had an attraction to young boys that went much further than just fantasy.
Anyone who thinks Jackson wasn’t a pedophile is willfully blind.
Being a great artist doesn’t stop you from being a very sick man. His upbringing certainly is an extenuating circumstance, but it doesn’t change the nature of his relationships with young boys.
Edit: to the people defending him, I put it to you that you are blinded by stardom. If any other man was fascinated with young boys in the same way, you’d think they were extremely weird at best and probably think much worse.
I have much more respect for an honest cunt than I do for a deceitful one.
It’s worked for me but with a couple layers of insulation tape rather than a rubber band.
Kind of a pointless answer when both sides will view the other as wrong.
Maybe it’s a generational or regional thing. Kids at my school just openly accused eachother of being gay, “gay” was also used as an insult or derogatory term.
If someone called me sus, or referred to someone else as sus, I’d just be blunt and ask them “suspicious of what?” and force them to say it.
Pretty sure it just means suspicious and you’re probably projecting.
Not many world leaders do.