Sorry Tennessee, we’re pulling for Vandy!
Just a dude working on viv, a Jellyfin Roku client while listening to punk records & watching horror movies.
viv on Roku Channel Store:
Sorry Tennessee, we’re pulling for Vandy!
💯 Oh, I know. I’ve been barked at by many.
“The people who bark at children” 😆
I love that description!
Come on Mississippi State!!!
Team Chaos!!
Chills. CHILLS! 🤙
Florida: In victory formation for a major SEC win.
ESPN: Screw that, let’s zoom in and show Dart crying instead!
What a dick move!
I’m still trying to learn this. It bugs me knowing someone has some problem with me, yet won’t tell me what it is. It’s the not knowing why that kills me.
The epicenter may have actually been my house 🤣
These Gamecocks will be the death of me 😐
That half ending was amazing!
I’ve not seen such aggressive time management and play calling in a long time!
🤙Go Cocks!!
Lost and Scrubs because they’re so short.
Psych because it’s fun and catchy.
Previously Murdoch Mysteries, but I hate the new intro this season and have been skipping it.
That I’m on a computer programming all day for my job.
That I’m on a computer programming all night for fun.
That I rarely play video games anymore.
The sound of flip flops. Drives me up a wall!
🤙 Go Cocks!!! I lost 5 years off my lifespan in that game.