Person of considerable jank.


  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • ADHDefy@kbin.socialtoLemmy Be Wholesome@lemmy.worldYoung love
    6 months ago

    I had a little girlfriend when we were in first grade. lol I don’t recall anyone ever asking me if I had a girlfriend or anything, and I had plenty of friends that were girls and no one ever teased me about it that I remember. I knew it was okay to be friends with girls, I just had a crush on this one. We played Zelda together and talked on the phone for hours about whatever dumb things first graders talk about, then her family moved to another state. It was my most successful relationship to date. 😂

  • YouTube. I know it sounds goofy, but often you can search something like “Baldur’s Gate 3 gtx 1060 6gb i7-4790K” (or whatever your specs are) and you will get tons of videos of people running it on their systems. If you happen to have common parts, you will not normally have trouble finding a benchmark for a rig very similar to yours for most games, but even with more niche hardware, you can usually find something helpful, even of it’s just like a similar GPU or another laptop with the same chipset, or whatever your case may be.

    Beyond that, Steam’s hardware requirements on the store pages of games and pcgamingwiki are great resources.

    I’d also say you can look on protondb–it’s for Linux gamers, so the results may or may not be applicable if you have a Windows system, but in most cases, if there’s a report that something runs well on Linux machine with the same hardware as you, it’s going to be very similar on Windows. The other way isn’t so applicable, though–just because something runs poorly on a Linux rig doesn’t necessarily mean it will also run poorly on Windows, as the problem could be with the compatability layer and not the hardware.

    None of these are a perfectly elegant solution, but they are typically reliable enough.

  • This report doesn’t really make sense to me.

    • He died from acute effects of ketamine infusion therapy that he had a week and a half before, but ketamine’s half-life in the system is just 3-4 hours and could not have still been in his system a week and a half later. Yet he had ketamine in his system, not from his last prescribed administration, but it was also deemed that he had not been using illicit substances. How did the ketamine get in his system then?

    • He had been clean for 19 months, but he was still taking Buprenorphine to ween off opiods. Are you normally weening off for that long?

    • “The contributory factors in Perry’s death included drowning, coronary artery disease, and buprenorphine effects.” None of those are “acute effects of ketamine.” Also, wouldn’t the drowning be the leading cause? Like it sounds like something caused him to lose consciousness and then he drowned.

    Is this article really badly written, or am I just dumb? 0.o

  • I suspect this is exactly why Battlebit Remastered blew up the way that it did this year even though it looks like a Roblox game. lol

    I think people are starved for a good, clean FPS that isn’t mostly battling menus, cluttered UI, MTX, endless DLC, P2W, battle passes, lootboxes, daily login bonuses, timed events, grindfests, invasive anti-cheat (or an overwhelm of cheaters), constant updates that break the game, etc. I think there’s a lot of us that just want to shoot stuff and have fun with our friends, like the glory days of online FPS. I’d happily fork over $60 today for that kind of experience, but I don’t trust hardly any AAA publishers to keep their promises if they even did offer something like that.