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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Don’t confuse Israelis with all Jews, especially not with the ones that got genocided.

    Never forget that actual Holocaust Survivors have been deemed antisemitic by Israelis for comparing some of the actions of Israel with those of the Nazis.

    More broadly only a handful of people who were directly affected by the Holocaust still live, of which only a fraction in Israel, none of which are the ones doing this (if only because they’re too old) or in Government. In fact the majority of the families in Israel were never affected by the Holocaust even indirectly because most come from elsewhere than Western Europe, a large fraction of whom from Russia.

    There is no such thing as a “Jewish Hive Mind” (or whatever the magical thing that would be necessary for every member of the Jewish Religion to share the actual trauma lived by some) which means that the vast majority of these murdering ethno-Fascist psychopaths have no real relation to the Holocaust other than sharing a religious affiliation with the biggest group of victims of it, a distant and entirely “in paper only” link.

    So it’s not at all surprising that people who have never actually experienced the trauma of being victimized in that way but grew up immersed in the kind of racist indoctrination that tells them they’re part of a “chosen people” and hence inherently special themselves, unlike other people, especially the ones being oppressed in their name who they are told are “violent” and even “human animals”, would do such a thing to those other people: in fact the surprise is how long it took the rest of us to discover how much of it they were already doing and discover the true depth of their depravity.

  • Above a certain level of seniority (in the sense of real breadth and depth of experience rather than merely high count of work years) one’s increased productivity is mainly in making others more productive.

    You can only be so productive at making code, but you can certainly make others more productive with better design of the software, better software architecture, properly designed (for productivity, bug reduction and future extensibility) libraries, adequate and suitably adjusted software development processes for the specifics of the business for which the software is being made, proper technical and requirements analysis well before time has been wasted in coding, mentorship, use of experience to foresee future needs and potential pitfalls at all levels (from requirements all the way through systems design and down to code making), and so on.

    Don’t pay for that and then be surprised of just how much work turns out to have been wasted in doing the wrong things, how much trouble people have with integration, how many “unexpected” things delay the deliveries, how fast your code base ages and how brittle it seems, how often whole applications and systems have to be rewritten, how much the software made mismatches the needs of the users, how mistrusting and even adversarial the developer-user relationship ends up being and so on.

    From the outside it’s actually pretty easy to deduce (and also from having known people on the inside) how plenty of Tech companies (Google being a prime example) haven’t learned the lesson that there are more forms of value in the software development process than merely “works 14h/day, is young and intelligent (but clearly not wise)”

  • Aceticon@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world"what happened??"
    2 days ago

    There are way too many of the “old ways” still around in Germany, from a surveillance culture and a very propagandistic Press activelly indoctrinating people to them continuing to support an ethno-Fascist state committing a Genocide with weapons very overtly because of their race and German courts convicting people for “anti-semitism” when they say the “from the Land to the Sea” saying (which is about Israel, not the Jewish Religion) but not doing the same for actual overt racist statements and behaviors against other ethnic groups.

    The rise of the AfD has happened in a field well plowed by mainstream German politicians with the idea that people’s worth depends on race, with some races being deemed good (ubermenschen) and others bad (untermensched) - they might not use the same words anymore, but they certainly share that same view of Mankind.

    The apparatus of the State and even the Justice System in Germany is riddled with the very same ideas about people - the racist idea that people’s value is determined by their race and some races are better than others - that served as the foundation of Nazism.

  • Aceticon@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world"what happened??"
    3 days ago

    It’s really very simple:

    • When it’s for the benefit of the Owner class (in this specific case mainly Publishers) it’s ownership hence people are told they’re buying games (only to discover after paying that it’s not so) and piracy is described and even in some countries treated as Theft.
    • When it’s for the benefit of citizens in general it’s intellectual property and it’s not really owned by them when they buy it (only licensed, often in such a way that they can lose access to what they were told they were buying) and if they do happen to created intellectual property themselves it can easily be taken away from the by the Owner class who “curiously” even in those countries which treat Piracy the same as Theft won’t be criminally held responsible for it.

    It’s the good old “one rule for thee another for me” so popular with authoritarians, especially Fascists (which probably explains why Germany is one of a few countries in Europe that criminalizes piracy, but de facto only treats it as such when it’s the little people doing it).

  • That’s because his talk doesn’t match his walk.

    You know how Trump just shamelessly lies as easily as he breaths? Well Biden also massively lies, he’s just far more sophisticated at it than Trump (hardly a tall barrier, lets be honest) hence less obvious at it yet in the end you still see his the actual actions or the end result of them (when the deceit technique is to pass know impossible measures or just half of what’s needed and not the other requires half so those measures don’t actually do what it says on the tin) not matching his words.

    Let’s hope Kamala is much less of a liar.

  • Well, it’s like this: games are not made by just one person and whilst it seems their art direction for this game is competent, it also seems their game design is not.

    Maybe it’s something to do with the MBA CxOs of many of these “top” game makers nowadays neither being nor ever having been gamers, but they can, just like most people, look at something and think it’s pretty (or not), with the end result that they’re putting more money into and hiring better people on that which they can judge - the visual side of things - rather than on that which they cannot - the gameplay side of things.

    Further, nowadays it still does make a difference for sales how good the game looks on the pictures and short videos customers see on whichever online stores they use to buy their game, something that also pushes towards focusing on looks more than the rest, especially for Marketing-driven business strategies, such as the ones said MBAs have been taught to use.

  • New Labour politicians have a massive debt to Israeli-linked Jewish Groups in the UK for the Anti-Semitism slander campaign against Corbyn and the Labour Party during his leadership that lost Labour an election and brought him down as leader of the party to be replaced by a New Labour leader (who promptly started a pogrom against Leftwingers in the party).

    Of course, as is tradition in England (and because in the recent elections they lost 10 Parliament seats to people who campaigned as independents exactly because of New Labour’s pro-Zionist “No Genocide is too great” policies), they’re doing a bit public opinion management with a loudly announced measure that de facto does nothing.

    If there’s one thing that over a decade of living in Britain has taught me was to always look behind the curtain when it comes to grand very public gestures by the local politicians, the more the noise they make about their “great measure” the more the need to dig out the part of the story they’re not telling people about.

  • Aceticon@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldUncharted
    5 days ago

    Populism is simple explanations meant for simple people.

    Same reason why Religion got so popular and it’s still so popular: it gives people the simple <deity> did it explanation for things which would be way harder for one to feel they understood if they got the Scientific explanation.

    It’s amazing how many people have an strong emotional rejection of anything even in the slightest way complex, especially as they age - I suspect they’re not even aware that their anger at being given complex explanations is not about the contents of the explanation but about the unpleasant feeling when one has difficulty following something.

    If I remember it correctly there are studies showing that people who fall for Rightwing Populist tend to be less intelligent and/or less educated.

  • Aceticon@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldUncharted
    5 days ago

    Somehow the small detail that increasing the number of people seeking jobs in certain domains (especially unspecialized occupations) is almost entirely only a win in a host country for businesses (because they can pay less for workers since adding more people to the worker pool tilts the Offer-Demand balance in the job market in their favor) and possibly a certain well-of middle class (who get cheap food delivery, cheap quasi-taxi service and cheap house-cleaners) who are politically represented by the Right not the Left, seems to fly over the heads of the mindless parrots repeating such “blame the left for immigration” slogans.

    Mind you, this many decades into Neoliberalism, pretty much all “center”/“moderate” parties (i.e. the larger ones) in Europe are Rightwing Neoliberals, including the ones claiming to be “Center-Left” (notice how often they talk about what’s “good for businesses” and how measures to “support businesses” including subsidies are never limited to only those businesses which have been determined to be good for Society and often help large highly exploitative/extractive businesses who evade taxes), so it’s somewhat understandable that people see such supposedly Leftwing parties defending open door immigration (because as I explained above, it benefits the people who have them in their pocket) and are easily led to conclude that the Leftwing is pro-immigration.

    It doesn’t help that some fake-Left liberal numpties hailing from the upper middle class who parrot Anglo-Saxon Identity Politics and have no clue how the other 90% actually live, relentlessly pose as some kind of pro-immigration Leftwing when the traditional Leftwing is all about representing the local workers and the local poor and wouldn’t at all put helping the workers and poor abroad above helping the ones they represent. Many people hear such fake-Lefties defending the kind of open-door immigration that won’t affect them as scions of the upper middle and upper class, as some kind of duty to help other people, and think such individuals represent the Left.

    In the middle of all this, immigrants (who are neither better people nor worse people that the locals) are just doing the same thing as most other people - living their lives and trying to do what’s best for themselves - many having moved to another country deceived about the kind of life they could get there and how they would be accepted, only to work in shitty jobs, having to pay through their noses for their accommodation in overinflated housing markets and be made scapegoats for accepting the invitation of certain local politicians doing for selfish reason and who aren’t the ones getting the blame.

  • Aceticon@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldOil
    5 days ago

    Between the possibilities that people extracting the dirtiest most ecologically-damaging to extract oil there is from Alberta’s Tar Sands are doing it for:

    • The Lesbians
    • Their own pockets (and screw everybody else)

    There is one infinitely more likely to be the actual reason than the other and it ain’t the first one.

    Kind reminds me of an equally facile argument that was making the rounds excusing the Israeli Genocide because of “how Palestinians treated Homosexuals”, as if Israel was murdering tens of thousands of little children (more broadly, an estimated almost 200k people, quite independently of their sexual orientation) because of how much they cared about Palestinian Homosexuals.

    This shit is to Equality what Greenwashing is to Environmentalism.