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Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Ngl, i’m just going to assume you are a neo-lib who is going to back away from those other symbols as soon as you see a homeless person just walking down the street. As an ND Queer who grew up in OK and now lives in a liberal area, it’s all the same shit. I’ve seen plenty of American flags being waved next to pride flags and shit but these same people will call the cops cause someone looks “fishy” in their neighborhood (and the fishy is being Black, but hey why do any introspective about your role in the racist system). I’ve never seen anyone who flies the American flag that didn’t come from someplace of privilege that will say “BLM!” or “Love is Love!” and then turn around and say “Maybe some conservatives have a point” or whatever.

    Just letting you know, if you fly an American flag regardless of whatever else, a lot of different marginalized people are going to side-eye you and not trust you. You can’t “take back” something that is embedded in the very fabric of the creation of this country (hate, bigotry, fascism) without societal changes to the basic foundations of this country.

  • yep, honestly i’d prefer to handle the issue of America not being where it needs in a more…direct way (like having cocktails on the boss’s lawn), however, the people are not there yet and we need to continue to organize and open people’s understanding of how they are being played. Thrown that out as a suggestion as something that might work as of right now. Though I will say, it is nice to be reminded that there are people I can be a little bit more open to the whole “our political system is illegitimate” (and that’s the nicest way anyone can put it). Been organizing in a local issue and have to walk around big scary words like “fascism” and “socialism” like i’m playing minesweeper, that i forget that some spaces it’s not necessary.

  • This implies that I consider the Republicans any short of type of legitimate. The only thing I care to do with the nazi party is to treat them as nazi’s should be treated. While the younger generation would probably agree with me, we are not quite where we need to be with that. So if i’m talking about anything in regards to handling politics in any way that isn’t a riot, i’m going to be referring to Democrats…who the vast majority are also not legitimate but many people are not ready to hear that yet, so I offer the suggestion I have at the time. I do agree with you mostly. I would greatly like to burn it all to the ground and build something better, but until the people are there, i’m going to suggest things that might work in our current climate while suggesting people organize and work on opening people’s understanding on the fact that our institutions only exist to serve the ruling class. Let’s just say I wait for the day that we can have cocktails at these people’s houses.

  • I would strongly recomend listening to 99% invisible Freedom House episode. This has happened before. In the past we didnt have ambulances services and cops would often throw a dying person in a paddy wagon and then take them to the hospital…hopefully i don’t have to explain why this is bad. When the first ambulance service was being organized the cops through a fucking fit about their “jobs being stolen”. There have been a number of programs trying to take off like the Denver Star program that do similar things. They take on wellfare cases. There have also been things proposed for other types of issues that cops do. A exercise is to start thinking of cops as “murder squad”. Do you need the murder squad to take care of X? Do you need them for tickets? Hell sometimes if the answer may seem yes, but the way they do things as reckless and bloody as possible has shown that it is often not effective. High speed chases down packed streets? Shoot outs they start in heavily crowded areas? A kid who shoplifted candy and surrendered and got murdered anyway? (Know one of those). We have got to deprogram ourselves in thinking we know what police do, because what we were sold is no where centered in reality.

  • People don’t have to vote for trump if they are disillusioned, they just don’t vote. If someone has to take a day off of work when they are already struggling for people who dont do shit for them in either direction, then why go vote? And i know what you are going to say, but maybe you should blame the system and fight it (cause you need more then just voting anyway) then the people who are being beaten by the system trying to survive. It honestly it amazing to me that people like you cannot fathom the apathy and lack of energy as the real issue. For some people it is a big issue to vote because of the systematic issues put before them, because Republicans and Establishment Dems alike know that if they vote they loose. Do you think i want trump to win? Im a Nonbinary autistic living with my trans wife. But you better fucking believe im going to call out the dems for this bullshit. If they fought just as hard against anyone slightly progressive from getting on ballots as they did for people to vote more easily then things would be different, but they enjoy their money just as much as the Republicans, their grift is just nicer in comparison to literal nazis. And they use that against us over and over but in 2016 they miscalculated (of course they did they are more out of touch each year). I hope a Republican doesn’t win but im not going to be shocked if they do and the dems are more to blame for this then voters who can’t vote for a variety of reasons.

  • Lol its amazing people can say shit like this with a straight face after Bernie. The democratic party said “no fuck you, its us or trump take your slightly socialist dude and fuck off” and a lot of young people did. Thankfully a lot of them took their work in politics and moved it to labor organizing, but please miss me with the “young people just need to get involved” shit when it has proven that any time they do, they get slapped down by said establishment dems. Systematic problems need systematic solutions. If “go vote blue no matter what” spent just as much energy fighting against systematic barriers to voting like gerrymandering, days off, mail in ballots, etc as they did finger wagging and yelling at younger people (cause you know, that’ll help) we might be somewhere different.

    Don’t even get me started on the fact that we need more then voting.

  • “battle against inflation” what battle? I don’t see us going after the corporate profit greed that is causing all of this. They use the word inflation like it’s some weird mystical word that we need to go to the profits (economists) for answers for. It’s corporate greed and late-stage capitalism, always has been and always will be. If little number has to always go up and can never stall or go down, you gotta start squeezing water from the stone at some point. Infinite growth is bullshit in a world that doesn’t have infinite growth. Most of the companies that are charging more and more for shit are doing stock buy backs, employment cuts, etc. People need to wake up to the reality of the fact that this shit isn’t some mystical mumbo jumbo, it’s very straightforward, the ruling class just doesn’t want you to understand it.