Or why nobody’s trying to kill him, for that matter. Maybe he should question that.
Or why nobody’s trying to kill him, for that matter. Maybe he should question that.
That’s quite a poor drawing of a harpsichord there on the left. Looks like a DJ table.
It’s like old people on Facebook. ORDER CORN
“Most US voters say” AKA Not Gonna Happen.
Honestly I don’t understand why Iran hasn’t felt some very real consequences for its support of Russia yet. Like, why do the factories producing Shahed still exist?
Oh, oh, and: the volume setting for background music only applies once you load into a level so you get blasted with loud music while you wait.
And sadly, I couldn’t find a quick and convenient way to let the editors know about it. Seems they’re not super into feedback.
Cool quiz, except all of the answers provided for the first question are wrong today. “Leg godt” is a Danish phrase (unsurprisingly, since LEGO is a Danish company. Not Dutch.)
ITT: Because it would be and possibly poisonous.
Silent Running (1972)
Hence their ongoing efforts to ban Critical Race Theory.
FYI the “.ML” does not stand for Millesian Liberalism.
MFW He wants me to be with Him in His heavenly kingdom.
F zodica sounds like a disease. 😅
Wow, Eugene Cernan really should have dedicated that moment to Lucretius instead of Galileo.
You have my sincerest thanks. 😃
As I’ve said before, the distinction between countable and uncountable quantities is lost on most people nowadays. In my opinion, the rampant overuse of the word “amount” (instead of “number”) is the clearest indicator of this problem.
If by FPS you mean Fahrenheit per second then yes. 👍