I did not know that. I’ll give it a look for sure.
Future winner of the Nobel Prize in Minecraft.
I did not know that. I’ll give it a look for sure.
I didn’t appreciated the FDroid UX until Google app designers lost their damn minds. Now it makes me feel relief.
I dumped a cup of coffee in my laptop a month ago and was so bummed that it wasn’t for sale yet.
Well, at least we can all rest assured that all the driver monitoring cameras/tech that’s being build by default into new consumer cars and trucks will only ever be used for safety.
They’ve been using cluster bombs since the first day of the war. He might as well have said they’ll invade Ukraine “if they have to.”
The only thing that will stop climate change is if we reduce the beef industry and eat billionaires instead. Every billionaire will chop 0.1° off the warming trend.
I had completely forgotten about it and would have assumed it was a thing of the past.
Its a cyclic calandar and the last major cycle ended. If there were still ancient Mayans maintaining the calendar they would have calculated another major cycle.
I’m sure this won’t have any chilling effects amongst the researchers who keep us all safe.
Edit to add that Johnson & Johnson is/was also trying to use patent loopholes to make sure poor people die from tuberculosis; until the internet got mad.
Sometime I think the Mayan calendar people were right. The world ended in 2012, it’s just a slower process than John Cusack movies would lead us to believe.
And now the change had the inertia. There’s no stopping it now.
Wine + Wayland for sure. It’s time to let X11 rest, it’s earned it.
I use Pop_OS because I really like having so much much GUI control via the keyboard. I’m patiently waiting for Cosmic to update things a bit.
Deja Dup backs my local machines to my Synology NAS. That uses Hyper-backup to send everything to Dropbox.
This is at least the 4th official microsoft font I’ve been around for. What a time to be alive!
Excluding the “breadbasket of Europe” as the world is entering into a period of mass food scarcity is a profoundly shortsighted move.
Just a few steps from “My secret police will now ‘explain’ to you just how not fascist I am.”