I only realized this a couple years ago. I was a huge fan of the show 🤦♂️
I only realized this a couple years ago. I was a huge fan of the show 🤦♂️
This is kind of the plot of the Shadow of War game, but that’s just a non-cannon (I hope) video game, so it was fun
I feel like you hit the nail on the head. It’s not that they don’t understand it. I don’t understand most of this, but I can try
There are people out there who just don’t believe and therefore will never try to understand
Yes (especially from just this photo), if it weren’t for the odd shape of his chest in that beach photo. That one is indicative of HGH without any exercise
I could 100% be wrong, but that’s what it looks like to me
I’ve said this before. As the child of someone who’s consistently used illicit performance enhancing drugs: this is what happens when you take steroids without estrogen blockers
Your body will notice the significant uptick in testosterone and will try to “offset” it by giving you a proportionate amount of testosterone estrogen
To anybody curious why he isn’t big, you still need the exercise to gain any noticeable amount of muscle
I heard a story about an American trying to borrow a cigarette while in France and the guy said “I am how do you say … selfish”
True honesty
I’m out of the loop on pretty much everything to do with celebrities. Was there something big?
Yeah, they’re just Turkish delights with fruit or nuts in them, but they taste much better
I still think about how cold all that is whenever I see this photo
Some of the best athletes in the US … being fed cold McDonald’s Wendy’s
Are you … are you going to drown an anime girl?
I’m completely out of the loop as to how they’re referred, so I’m just taking a guess at why the meme calls them mental illnesses:
I think it’s likely because they’re things that require diagnosis and can require treatment
It’s not always up to them, pal
I see! That makes perfect sense! Thank you
Please please please forgive my ignorance
Looking at the basic definition of eugenics makes it seem like the sci-fi concept of editing a fetus to not have diseases. Is there something ethically wrong with that?
I know eugenics is based in nazi shit and “selective breeding” (which I’m vehemently against), but people get angry at the term, so I’m assuming we’re nowhere nere the sci-fi stuff(?)
That was my first thought, but then I remembered the tiny campgrounds I’ve stayed at. Now I’m imagining this guy only like 7-8 feet away from the family
I’m ashamed to say I’ve never had chili mac that wasn’t Chef Boyardee, haha
I think the same thing every time I see this picture. Good news: I think I figured it out. Bad news: I think she looks like my librarian from elementary school, so I doubt that’s why she looks familiar to you, haha
I thought those were just onions!
If you were on your back and had your legs above the hole, is 7 psi strong enough that you wouldn’t be able to fight it?
I guess another question would be “how strong would it be compared to gravity?” (if anybody has any idea)
We call it a “high value treat”