Gendering an explicitly non gendered inanimate object helps structure your thoughts?
I’d argue that following those grammar rules damages your thoughts.
Gendering an explicitly non gendered inanimate object helps structure your thoughts?
I’d argue that following those grammar rules damages your thoughts.
I do my own onvif cameras but I gifted a ring doorbell to my niece for her apartment. She’s non technical, I can’t support her remotely, and that safety was more important than the loss of privacy of a camera looking out onto a public street.
As someone who self hosts I understand the economies of scale that would allow it to be much cheaper to make products tied to cloud service. For example my servers for my house could easily support my entire extended family and more.
But of course, that profit isn’t enough, and they all double dip into selling their customers’ privacy.
The majority of grammar rules are arbitrary and unrelated to the expression of an idea. For example, does it really matter if you treat an inanimate object like a pencil as feminine or masculine? It’s an object. Yet in Spanish/French/etc., there are grammar rules that define every inanimate object as being either feminine or masculine.
However, without a common grammar, it’s impossible to communicate accurately. For that use case, AI functions as a language translator.
Memorization used to be a huge part of education hundreds of years ago before books were common. It’s the origin of oral defence for doctorates. That excluded a huge part of the population who were great at logic and analysis.
Books became a bicycle for the brain. Imo, AI is the same. Skills such as structuring sentences into perfectly grammatically correct forms will atrophy in exchange for the focus to be on the idea.
My Google News has my Lemmy comments in it so I know the Pixel keyboard is leaking. Like I’ll reply to someone about a bench top power supply and there will be ads for them in my Google News.
You can poop in a bag and mail it instead now.
I said Windows should be rewritten from scratch because it has a poor foundation.
Having never written Windows kernel code, you are in no position to judge the foundation.
I tell you that I’ve been a developer for decades
No, you said you have been writing code longer before I was born.
I have been writing code since before you were born. Does that make my opinion more valid?
You misrepresented something your own source said,
The source I lonked clearly explains in detail why code is misread. You handwaved it away with the premise that code might not be misread. With that attitude, memory safety isn’t needed either. Write perfect code and you don’t need to use structured programs. “Don’t do what everyone does because it is extremely hard.” isn’t a valid argument.
This is exactly what you wrote;
" It would be insane to claim that all of Linux (I’m also referring to all the gnu tools, window managers etc) should be thrown out and start fresh. "
I added that in the second sentence because I realized you have never used Linux without it being part of a distro. The first Linux I ran was compiled without being part of any distro. It was for a PRI Gateway when I was working for Vint Cerf on his side project.
Re: Democrats
Blaming the victim.
There was absolutely no reason to bring up that you were coding longer than I was alive other than to imply that your age is a reason why the argument is invalid.
Funny how you use your age as an argument but see it as entitled when I point out the reverse.
Calling your operating system “Linux”–when Linux is just the kernel and not the OS–doesn’t really help your argument here.
I specifically referenced Gnu tools, window managers, etc. What is wrong with you?
He could but Geordi knows if he starts down that path he’ll spend all day picking the right texture and infill pattern.
My age isn’t important to the argument. That’s not an opinion.
I noticed now that I posted my age you didn’t respond with yours.
Go get your reading glasses
You can’t get past personal attacks. First it was I’m too young. When that attack didn’t work, it’s now I’m too old.
Unless you work at Microsoft on the code, you have absolutely no basis for your claim that the entire code base should be thrown out. I use Linux. There are frequent bugs that require me to type in a command manually to work around. It would be insane to claim that all of Linux (I’m also referring to all the gnu tools, window managers etc) should be thrown out and start fresh.
I’m approaching 60.
How old are you? I’m guessing you are like 40. You don’t even know who Joel is.
It’s bad form to attack me personally instead of the argument.
Joel addressed your argument that the code is misread throughout the entire essay. Code is easier to write than read.
You should never rewrite a large program:
Ideally you want stories to go with the photos. Your memory will fade. You’ll forget some stories. For the stories you remember you’ll forget details. Write the stories. The photos are a supplement for your stories.
I write notes on the photos.
Exactly. The mainstream press is right wing. They’re going to cover anything a Dem does that could be considered a lie. But it’s after the election.
The new model has to be to win at all costs.
If you have to go back 120 years to find an example, you’re doing it wrong.
Bans in-game ad but allows outside ad. The origin of drink verification can. There’s no good idea that can’t be made bad by marketing.
Red States are welfare queens. Trump is a deep state Democrat operative working to destroy Republicans.
You heard it here first.
Why is a pencil masculine? It’s a pencil, not a person.