Never understood why they can’t make a missile detect this and just aim for the center point where all the heat / chaff / IR is coming from.
Never understood why they can’t make a missile detect this and just aim for the center point where all the heat / chaff / IR is coming from.
You are incorrect. Many people have been killed by bullets falling back to earth. There is even a law in Arizona named after a little girl killed that way.
Shooting guns in the air should result in prison and lifetime forfeiture of the privilege to own firearms. It’s irresponsible and extremely negligent.
And I’m not anti-gun. I own 3 and enjoy target shooting. What I am, is anti-gun ownership by morons.
Yes Turkey is in NATO and has been since the early fifties. That’s probably what you were remembering. Since most of the EU is also in NATO (if not all, I’m not gonna look it up) it’s a totally understandable brain glitch!
That’s the one! I’m really rooting for them.
That’s a great tip for finding new restaurants! I get to waste the middleman’s resources, too! Win win.
Driverless cars will eliminate Grubhub, DoorDash, etc, because it will be cheaper for most restaurants to have their own delivery vehicles again, and you’ll probably see co-op services for smaller places.
Restaurants delivering their own food is not a foreign concept - it’s how all food delivery was done in the ‘old days’. They will jump on the chance to eliminate these gig commissions.
Clearly a (bad) troll. Block them and move on.
In order to get to “really disruptive” you start at “mildly disruptive”. That’s how movements work.
Good question, maybe it’s possible these days. I know it wasn’t when I first joined. I’ll do some digging!
Got my account and started reading and posting today, and you’re right, they are nice people. I had somehow mixed up Beehaw and Hexbear in my head. Big mistake.
I may end up moving over there as primary just because I’m so tired of the trolls myself.
If you use lube there’s a lot less smoke.
The jobs won’t disappear. They’ll just change. The need is obviously there.
Here in Colorado a bunch of drivers just formed a employee owned co-op, both to give the middle finger to Uber and Lyft, and so the drivers can actually earn a living. We need more of that.
Stop using it. It’s that simple.
Gig economy work is horrible for the workers, and incredibly exploitative. The workers frequently make less than minimum wage.
I refuse to order from any restaurant that doesn’t do their own delivery. If enough other people do the same, these places will curl up and die very quickly.
There are a few varieties I have in mind that I’d like to see served at a White House dinner.
Survivorship bias.
Just happened to me today (not for the first time) when I questioned somebody’s idiotic meme with a post that just said “What is this slop?” which was apparently worthy of removal. Even mild criticism is not ok with them because their bubble is very, very thin.
It’s fine, whenever it happens it reminds me to block the community and the author. I recommend you do something similar to make Lemmy a nicer place to be.
I know better than to engage with those… people. But sometimes I don’t notice the domain on the community I’m reading from the All feed. Wish there was a way to just hide everything from those instances on my feed (without standing up my own instance).
Removed by mod
FINE. I’ll do it. Sigh.
Thank you for the correction. I somehow completely skipped over OP’s main text in their post and went right to inferring stuff from their other comments and thought maybe they were young and had some body image issues. 38, skinny, but a beer keg belly definitely sounds like diet.
Thank you Jerry. Your invention was a great source of joy to me as a kid.