It’s the lack of consent that’s the turn-on for them. See: Deshaun Watson.
It’s the lack of consent that’s the turn-on for them. See: Deshaun Watson.
Just realized that looks more like a teabag than a bandage.
What a bunch of non-gender-specific sexual organs.
NIN is 29yo angst with heroin addict angst thrown in for good measure.
And some of those same scientists later organized a mass slaughter of thousands of platypuses in order to determine if the stories about them were true. Science, bitches!
Fun uranium facts: during WWII, one method that the Manhattan Project used to refine uranium (i.e. separate U235 from natural uranium which is mostly non-fissile U238) relied on magnetism. A charged particle moving through a magnetic field experiences a force perpendicular to the direction of motion, which makes it follow a slightly curved path instead of a straight line. This force is the same for both U235 and U238 but since U235 weighs slightly less, its path is slightly more curved. By charging particles of natural uranium and shooting them through a powerful magnetic field, separate collectors can be set up to gather the U235 particles.
Creating the magnetic field required powerful electromagnets. Normally these would have used copper wire but copper was a valuable strategic metal needed for much of the other military hardware the US was producing, so the Manhattan Project “checked out” the United States’ reserves of silver to build the magnets. For good measure, the electricity for the magnets came mostly from the hydroelectric dams built as part of the Tennessee Valley Authority projects of the 1930s (this is mainly why the Manhattan Project’s uranium processing facilities were located in Oak Ridge). These dams were originally meant to power the production of aluminum, but the US had plenty of other sources for that.
I think it’s more indicative that he doesn’t listen to or care about the opinions or feelings of anybody around him, which is a bad quality in a leader unless you want your country run by a despot. Mao never brushed his teeth and reportedly had breath that could raise the dead.
Vance isn’t going anywhere. Admitting to mistakes is not in their playbook.
“I know he can get the job, but can he do the job?” No, he can’t.
Yeah, I don’t even like talking politics with people I agree with. My parents are lifelong Democrats and despise Trump, but they are absolutely obsessed with him in the same way that pro wrestling fans are obsessed with the latest heel. They just can’t stop talking about him and whatever his latest line of bullshit is. Whereas my only hope for sanity is to tune this shit out as much as I possibly can.
I always claimed in job interviews to be good at debugging, but there are no certifications for debugging and there’s really no way for an interviewer to verify such a claim. So even though it is an incredibly important skill, companies just do not look for it. There is also the hilariously misguided belief that good coders do not produce bugs so there’s no need for debugging.
I was a teen in the ‘80s and I never heard the origin of “Joy Division”, just knew the band. DJs on the radio (or on MTV) back then never discussed bands’ names or what they meant, so it wasn’t easy to know about that stuff. I also never knew what “Dead Kennedys” meant although that’s pretty obvious if you just think about it. Hell, I never knew Freddie Mercury was gay despite the band name “Queen”.
I also thought Boy George was a woman, but everybody did.
I don’t really understand how cats even can get this large. I’ve kept a number of cats and always just fed them dry food in big bowls or auto-feed dispensers where they could eat as much as they wanted whenever they wanted it, and they always stayed a normal weight.
I used to work for a software development company in Louisiana. At company meetings the CEO would always close with a prayer to Jesus, which was certainly the only time in my programming career I had to deal with that. Maybe 80% of the company were Christians but the rest of us were Jews, Muslims, Hindus and atheists (just me) and it was always weird to be looking around at each other while everybody else had their heads bowed. Unfortunately, this company was pretty much the only game in town for programmers so nobody was willing to call the CEO out for this shit.
They don’t think that. They don’t have morals.
Deporting all the non-citizens would send us into a literal death spiral thanks to the fact that they pick all the vegetables, cut all the meat, and cook all the food in restaurants. For bonus points we would starve to death behind our unkept lawns, but at least we’d have plenty to drink from the water pouring through our leaking roofs.
So you’re saying hotdog pizzas aren’t really pizza?
Peche (peach-flavored lambic) and framboise (raspberry-flavored) are awesome, too. As expensive as wine but at least it has the same alcohol content as wine.
Romans were food snobs too, though. One common insult was “chickpea-eater” because roasted chickpeas were poor people food. Thing is, roasted chickpeas are fucking delicious - I really wish fresh chickpeas in the pod were easier to find (in the US).
That’s fake news!