• 38 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I’m sorry to hear about your difficult experience and the impact it’s had on you. It’s obvious that this situation left a deep scar on your soul, and I applaud you for seeking therapy and getting sober.

    I, personally don’t know you nor her, nor was I present when all this happened but I think it’s important to remind yourself that there are always two sides to a story. While your intentions may have been innocent, her perception of the interactions might have been different. It’s possible that what felt like friendly conversation to you was perceived as uncomfortable or intrusive to her. This doesn’t necessarily make anyone the “bad guy” – it’s just a reminder of how complex human interactions can be and how two people can interpret the same situation very differently.

    Regarding your self-perception and fear about future relationships, it’s crucial to understand that one incident doesn’t define who you are or dictate your future. People grow and change, especially when they actively work on themselves as you have. Being sober and in therapy are important steps towards understanding yourself and learning how to build healthy relationships.

    Regarding how she chose to handle the situation, it’s important to acknowledge that her actions, whether perceived as right or wrong, are beyond your control. While it’s possible that her intentions were not entirely good-hearted, focusing on this aspect might not be constructive for your own healing journey. You cannot change her actions or her perception of the events, only how you respond and learn from the experience. This is part of accepting the past and focusing on your own growth and future.

    I want to stress, that self-forgiveness is a vital part of healing. Continually hating yourself for past mistakes is not productive. Recognizing your growth and the efforts you’ve made to improve is important. You’re not the person you were six years ago.

    Finally let me tell you that everyone deserves love and the chance to enter into a healthy relationship. This experience doesn’t change that. I highly recommend discussing your feelings with your therapist, who can provide more personalized guidance and support.

    And as last two cents: remember, growth often comes from challenging experiences. You’re on the right path by acknowledging the past, learning from it, and making positive changes. Keep moving forward!

    I hope you find something useful in my babbling and wish you a wonderful day 🙂

  • An academic book about emojis that can’t include emojis? That’s ironic and frustrating. Makes me sad that we live in a world where copyright hinders education and discussion 🙈

    Here is a Tl;Dr for the ones who don’t want to click the link:

    Oxford professor Jieun Kiaer published an academic book called “Emoji Speak: Communications and Behaviours on Social Media,” exploring how emojis are used across different cultures and ages, and considering their future in digital communication.

    Although the book discusses emojis in detail, Kiaer was unable to include actual images of many emojis due to copyright concerns, despite the fact that these symbols are ubiquitous in social media spaces, which are almost entirely copyright-free.

    Instead of using actual emojis, Kiaer hired an artist, Loli Kim, to draw similar representations, illustrating the barriers that exist between the online and offline worlds concerning copyright.

    The inability to use emojis in the book, even in an academic context, highlights the complications and absurdity of modern copyright laws, which some argue could have constituted a fair use situation.

  • Some in the AI industry have proposed concepts similar to Moore’s Law to describe the rapid growth of AI capabilities.

    Although there is no universally accepted law or principle akin to Moore’s Law for AI, people often refer to trends that describe the doubling of model sizes or capabilities over a specific time frame.

    For instance, OpenAI has previously described a trend where the amount of computing power used to train the largest AI models has been doubling roughly every 3.5 months since 2012.


  • I wonder if this technique can be expanded to other eye conditions 🤔

    Here is a Tl;Dr for the ones which don’t want to click the link:

    Researchers at Anglia Ruskin University in the UK have used 3D nanotechnology to successfully grow human retinal cells, offering a new way to treat age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of blindness.

    AMD is categorized into two types: ‘dry’ and ‘wet,’ both of which cause vision loss due to the destruction or deterioration of the retina’s RPE cells.

    The team used electrospinning, a novel technique in this context, to create a 3D nanofibrous scaffold, composed of two polymers, which served as a base for growing the RPE cells. An anti-inflammatory coating was applied to the scaffold, enhancing the growth and functionality of the cells, which remained healthy and viable for up to 150 days.

    This innovative approach could lead to effective treatments for sight conditions like AMD, and the researchers are now focusing on transplanting these freshly grown cells into the human eye.