Having no blue ray player and a desperate desire to watch anything studio ghibli ruined me. Thank god hbo picked it up but now I’m desensitized and relieved when the things I want to watch appear on amazon or apple TV.
Having no blue ray player and a desperate desire to watch anything studio ghibli ruined me. Thank god hbo picked it up but now I’m desensitized and relieved when the things I want to watch appear on amazon or apple TV.
My issue is messaging. You can check the link in the OP, the post in question was fact checked and debunked. It’s not a good look. We do need to be vigilant but we can’t spread disinfo. Yes there is reason to be concerned but it’s not a slam dunk to say they are taking your Medicaid, yet. Yes, maybe it does happen and yes maybe it is likely but if we pre-empt the outrage with no receipts it makes it really hard to drum up outrage later when the right is actually on the back foot.
The solution is not to promote disinfo rage bait. Like if you look today on the front page there is an actual article describing the situation in full.
The internet
“I can do both”
I just think the dems painted themselves in a corner by arguing there is no way someone could ever rig the general. The left was not built on the foundation of, “we trust the government.”
Even the continued reluctance to implement some sort of election security reform is misfounded. Sure, voter suppression is a thing and we can’t let our fear cause us to misstep but at the same time just because you haven’t found election fraud doesn’t mean it does not exist. The point of the fraud would be to go undetected. If they aren’t caught, well damn, looks like it’s working.
How would someone even go about investigating election fraud? You can’t petition every state. No one would trust a private entity to fund it. If you even suggest that the machines are rigged the manufacturer will sue the shit out of you.
It’s just another reason the DNC is a sunk cost. These absolute positions they hold are actually gaping vulnerabilities.
Maybe if I make my tinfoil hat into a sailboat I’ll go viral but I suspect lemmy is it’s own disinfo campaign.
It’s a uphill battle. Reddit so desperately wants to flip red and they plan on doing it by creating so much lefty disinfo that they will be indisguishable from the red hats and conservatives will just start shouting everything down.
What am I wrong about, tough guy?
Are you just here to bully? You don’t really have any arguments, do you?
Edit: My mistake. Just another PAB defending the group think.
I’m telling you, the GOP will shoot themselves in the foot doing it and they know it. So if they put the heat on the left and point at us for being reactionary they can slink away for a few news cycles and blow up it in the background. Then no one will pay attention to it because they’ve already blew their load chastising lefties.
Don’t believe me, look who’s pushing the narrative. Your favorite ghouls. Nancy Polsei and Biden administration people. Not that they are malicious just they are predictable and the Republicans have been playing them for years.
Show me one time, one single instance, of saying, “I told you so” changing MAGAs tune.
Ok, turbo, there’s plenty of things to revolt over. Empty threats to cut Medicaid aren’t one of them. They do this shit all the time while trying to make the opposition take the heat AND IT WORKS. Every time they shut down the government. It’s a larger strategy to make leftist look reactionary and that is why corporate owned sites like reddit love pushing the narrative that the GOP is one step away from taking away entitlements.
What’s there to do? It’s well within their power.
Damn, never made that connection about herschel. I like Stallones dredd just because it’s so quotable.
Eat recycled food. It’s good for the environment and okay for you.
I just ignore imdb all together. The ratings they give are not useful and seem almost random.
Lol about Jupiter ascending. I wanted so bad for that movie to be good just because mila kuntis. I cant call it a masterpiece.
As above, so below having 29% seems a bit crazy. That shit freaked me out.
I always go by audience. The fact that they are critics seems like a type of selection bias.
This is one of those that HBO or something played non-stop for no apparent reason. It took me like 20 times clicking past it to finally watch it all but in the end I was ok with it.
I remember seeing 21. I honestly didn’t know it got bad reviews. It seemed fine for what it was.
I’m not telling you to wait. There are 1000 issue to act on, today. You just keep blowing past my one and only contention. It’s not about going high or low. It’s about not playing into the traps set by the GOP. There are larger strategies at play. There is no reason a left wing circle jerk like reddit needs to resort to disinformation. It doesn’t help, and it actually hurt us.