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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 17th, 2023


  • I can’t bring myself to watch it, but that candidates can flat out tell blatant, easily disputed, lies blows my mind.

    I’m not talking “I was a good president” lies that could be classified as subjective, I mean lies like “when I was president no one died of any disease” type lies that are just contrary to all reality. real-time fact-checking (of that magnitude) and insta-mutes should absolutely be a thing.

    I realize “fact-checking” itself can be a slippery slope, so that’s why I try to clarify the black/white nature instead.

  • similar here - graphs like this helped the push to cut out most red meat from our menu. Emphasis “most” as we are neither vegan nor do we refuse beef items at restaurants or as guests.

    but like you said, by just cutting out most beef, while allowing occasional items, would be a big step forward. We also cut out some pork, and try to get most protein from poultry and plant-protein. The reason for pork then adds seeing how terrible their conditions are and knowing how smart they are.