OP must follow Rox News.
OP must follow Rox News.
If somehow there is fraud, then it won’t be like Jan 6.
Looks like chicken mole. Hope to try it sometime (maybe at a more simple restaurant).
Senator Padmé Amidala after partying all night.
The Marriotts. Not huge fans of alcohol.
We all are. It’s one of the bonds that keeps civilization alive. Keep searching !
That’s what the three shells are for.
Calculations are simpler if ……… you assume a spherical cow!
*Acid-filled Erlenmeyer flasks
Nice one. Thank you.
It was based on good old fate and transport processes and plenty of scientific data (as opposed to made up hearsay?). It served us well for that sucky situation we were in. .
Long press on a .gif brings up a menu with “save to photos “ and “share” (I don’t remember the 3rd menu item but didn’t seem relevant to your question anyway) those give you some options for saving. I just verified on iPadOS but should hold for iOS too.
Hope this helps.
My wife got sick as a dog after eating chocolate chip cookie dough. She spent a whole day going between bed and the bathroom. Strangely enough, she still eats raw cookie dough. Having gone through it with her, I don’t even like the fake/safe cookie dough in ice cream.
I’m reminded of the old movie “Soylent Green”. The crabs have the nutrients sought after in the story, but it also appears to have an intrinsic great flavor, unlike the story. Plus, “green” crabs. Coincidence?!?